19 Mart 2023 Pazar

"Beat & Release": One Month's Unpaid Rent Sparks Deadly Stabbing Spree, in Beykoz, Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 19 March 2023)

            The worst renters: impatient ones with knives.

In Beykoz, Istanbul, two years ago Mahmut Sami Evci rented Belgin 
Karaca's textile store and began to conduct business.  In October 2021,
the two sides argued over a month's worth of delinquent rent and on 2
November Belgin Karaca and her daughter Sevim Merve Hocaoğlu 
came to the store and parked their car in front of it.  This prompted
Evci to ask her to move the car and (of course) an argument ensued. 

Belgin Karaca's son Salim Emre Hocaoğlu joined in the argument,
pulled out a knife and began attacking everyone in the store (!).  Evci,
along with his cousin Halit Evci and workshop worker Afghan 
Bahram Parvizi, were injured by stab wounds.   Salim Emre Hocaoğlu
fled but was captured by police.  Meanwhile, Mahmut Sami Evci died 
at the hospital he was taken to.  

Salim Emre Hocaoğlu, his mother and his sister were all taken into
custody by police and the Anatolian public prosecutor asked for life
prison sentences for all three of them.  Last week a decision was 
handed down by the court, whereby Salim Emre Hocaoğlu's life 
sentence was reduced to 23 years 5 months and 7 days (!) because
the court couldn't determine who incited the argument first.   His
mother and sister were given prison sentences of 7 years 6 months
for aiding a murder. 

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