23 Mart 2023 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": What's in a Name - A "War-maker" and Predestination, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 March 2023)

                                Living up to his name.

In Esenyurt, Istanbul, yesterday at about eight-thirty in the morning
Savaş Çıkan (whose name means "war-maker" !) followed Turan 
Dikmen, whom Savaş bey claimed was having an affair with his wife,
and shot him in the head on Aşık Şenlik Avenue.  Passers-by notified
the police who arrived at the scene and determined that Dikmen was
dead.  Çıkan was waiting there and surrendered to police.  He 
explained to them that his wife Meral Çıkan was having an affair with
Dikmen.  Eyewitness Nedim Baskın stated, "the shooter lay in ambush, 
came at the victim from behind, and shot him."  

Last year in December, after an argument with her husband Meral 
hanım jumped from her balcony and was seriously injured.  At first, 
she said she jumped of her own accord but later changed her story, 
saying that Savaş bey had thrown her off the balcony.  Savaş bey and 
his brother, who was there at the time, were arrested on 1 February and 
freed after giving statements. 

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