13 Aralık 2020 Pazar

'Cat Vibe' Rattles CatStantinople

türkçe  links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 13 December 2020)

Cat Vibing music video you can't sit still, like the cat.

                                   That's one cool cat!

Bilal Göregen, who is sight-impaired and whose roots are from Bitlis,
was born in İskenderun on 4 September 1988.  His life changed when
he was given a 'darbuka' (goblet drum).  Now the whole world knows
Göregen because of his 'Cat Vibing' music video on YouTube.

Göregen related his life story to Hürriyet's İdris Emen:

"My interest in music began when I was 3 or 4-years-old.  In those
days I beat a rhythm on cans and barrels. When I was in grade school
a neighbor gave me a 'darbuka' and I practiced all through high
school, getting on TV in 2009.  After that, I toured 72 of Turkey's
provinces, participating in music festivals. I even appeared on 
programs in France and Germany.

Right now I have one million followers.  When people see me they
get a positive vibe.  In 2019, a follower put a cat into my "Levan
Polkka"  clip and then I posted the clip from my own YouTube
account.  It's been seen by millions.

Recently, I gained acceptance to the Istanbul University Language
and Literature Department, after having left off my schooling in
2011.  I really want to study law if it turns out to be possible."

Göregen has been working for the Istanbul Municipality since 2015
and he recently met with Mayor Ekram İmamoğlu in Florya.

                           Cat Vibing with Hizzoner.

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