türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 8 November 2018)
He's got that hypnotic look women can't resist.
In Mersin, grade school-graduate Mustafa K. (40) passed
himself off as a 'doctor' and an 'academician' to seduce
women, whom he ended up bilking. Mustafa K. explained
that he studied the books of Sigmund Freud and used the
knowledge he gained to psychoanalyze the women. (!)
A woman named A.G. filed a complaint with police,
saying that "he introduced himself as an academician and
we began a relationship. Then, he withdrew 4,399 TL
using my credit card. U.A. (a fake name) told me he had
to make a presentation and took my tablet computer, too.
After that, I never saw him again."
Police determined that Mustafa K., who only graduated
from grade school, seduced 25 women by telling them
that he was either a doctor, an academician or an
engineer. Police tracked down Mustafa K. to the Pozcu
neighborhood of Mersin and arrested him in a 'dolmuş'
(collective taxi).
Under questioning, Mustafa K. confessed to the crimes
and told police that he read the books of the founder of
psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud in order to be able to
manipulate the psychological states of women. He was
sentenced to 18 years 4 months in jail and made to pay
46,169 in fines.
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