türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Vatan Newspaper, 17 November 2018)
One of Vrancic's nearly 800 Latin letters.
The 450-year-old letters of Antun Vrancic, a Croatian
diplomat who served in Istanbul after the Ottoman conquest
of 1453, have been deciphered and made into a book.
Vrancic was a bishop, writer and traveler who wrote nearly
800 letters in Latin. Businessman Oğuz Aydemir obtained
the letters from the Szechenyi National Library in Budapest
and translated them all into English and Croation. (!)
One of the events reflected in the letters that surprised
Aydemir concerned the execution of Ottoman Minister
Kara Ahmed Paşa in 1555, upon the order of Hürrem
Sultan, the wife of Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent.
Vrancic secured a peace agreement with Süleyman
and was sent back to Istanbul by Austrian Emperor
Maximilian II, the son of Ferdinand I, as envoy to
Süleyman's son and successor, Sultan Selim. Vrancic
arranged for another peace agreement with Ottoman
Prime Minister Sokollu Mehmed Paşa.
H. Oğuz Aydemir.
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