September 1933 at his high school in Sivas, hoping
to pass a make-up exam in philosophy so he could
graduate (he passed). He then returned to Tokat
to await acceptance to medical school.
Selahattin's ghostly pursuit of the ever-elusive
Cemile continued as unsuccessfully as ever.//
Selahattin's school in Sivas - also the site
of the Congress of Sivas in September 1919, a
key stepping-stone in Turkey's War of
Friday, 1 September 1933
When I opened my eyes in the morning I saw Namık,
which made me very happy. We played backgammon at
Yıldız. Since he hadn’t slept, he went to the school to
sleep. In the afternoon we went to see the match between
Sivas and Amasya. In the middle of the match there was
a violent wind storm that blew up dust and smoke all
around. Since we couldn’t keep our eyes open we went
back to school. In any case, Sivas won 1-0. We went to
the movies in the evening and saw “Carmen”, which was
quite good.
Saturday, 2 September 1933
The weather was very hot and we didn’t have any classes.
We just goofed off until evening. Namık took the test for
Europe. Thanks to his forbearance, it’s 100% certain he’ll
pass it.
Sunday, 3 September 1933
The weather was hot again. We went to the movies in the
evening and saw “When Two Hearts Unite”. It was okay
and the music was very good.
Monday, 4 September 1933
It was a holiday today in commemoration of the Sivas
Congress of 4 September 1919. Since the Congress had
been held in our school, there were decorations everywhere.
Guests came to the school garden in the evening. Doctor
and Saib put on a play for them.
Tuesday, 5 September 1933
Finally, at 9 o’clock we had a test. The questions for our
group were: 1: time, 2: work division, 3: analysis-grammer.
Since we didn’t know anything about work division we
didn’t write anything. I wrote answers for the other two.
The ogre probably will fail one of us. He didn’t let us talk
to one another. In the end, we heard that Hilmi passed but
also what they think about us. I was quite upset, thinking
that Hilmi did worse than I did. I wonder how this could be.
I’m really downhearted. When I lay in bed I couldn’t sleep
from nervousness and got up a number of times. I don’t
know what I’ll do if I’m left back. What will I tell my
father? Remember teacher, we’ll meet again with you in
life somewhere and I will be your enemy. Later I’ll apply
to the Ministry and perhaps I’ll get in, but right now I don’t
know what I’ll do, dear God! My luck is the worst.
Whatever will I do?
Sivas railroad station in the 1930s.
Wednesday, 6 September 1933
I was feeling the same awful feeling until noon. I saw the
Principal in the morning and spoke with him on the road
until we reached the school. He answered all my questions
in the negative. My heart is aching, thinking that I have
no way out. Nevertheless, thankfully at three thirty we
learned that we had passed. We had to do something
special to remember this happy day so five of us went to a
restaurant and bought five bottles of wine for 40 kuruş
each. Since this was the first time I ever drank wine I was
excited about what the effect would be. I didn’t get drunk
but I did get a bit woozy. Then, I talked a mile a minute.
In the evening we went to the movies and saw “Şen
Mülazim”. Between the good film and a couple of hours
of fun I was tired and ready for a good sleep.
Thursday, 7 September 1933
My father has probably received the telegram we sent
yesterday. Today was Namık’s last test. Because the
questions were long he had to sit until morning. I went to
the station with Sabri. Since the students from the Girls
Teachers School were leaving Sivas there was quite a
crowd there. I looked everywhere but didn’t see her. I
wonder if I’ll ever get a chance to see her.
Friday, 8 September 1933
We spent the day at the coffee house.
Saturday, 9 September 1933
After Namık and I got medical reports from the Health
Office we went to the hospital, where I’ll get a physical
examination report. When my report showed me to be
healthy I was overjoyed. Namık gave up his idea of going
to medical school, based on the doctors’ recommendation.
Sunday, 10 September 1933
The physical examination was concluded today. We’ll get
the documents tomorrow. Although Namık and I toured
around everywhere, we couldn’t find any trace of her.

The Tan Cinema in Sivas, 1930s.
Monday, 11 September 1933
I got the report in an envelope at 11:30. We’ll leave for
Tokat today. I’ll probaby see her in Tokat so I want to get
out of Sivas as soon as possible. We finally left Sivas at
six thirty. The weather was very cool. I rejected Namık’s
insistance that I wear an overcoat. Again I’m leaving
Namık but we’ll be back together again soon so we
weren’t that downhearted. The road was dusty and cold.
We had bad seats, too. At two thirty we reached Tokat,
after travelling the whole way in the dark. I entered the
house through the window and lay down on my bed to sleep.
Tuesday, 12 September 1933
While walking on the road I learned that she went to Sivas
the same day I came back to Tokat, so I was very sad about
this. I won’t see her for another 9 months. Having not seen
her for the past 10 days was enough to make me cry. What
will I do for nine months? I’ll just have to pass the time by
dreaming about her every night. In the afternoon, I came
back to the orchard.
Wednesday, 13 September 1933
I completed my documents and mailed them. Now I have
no choice but to await the response. If a positive answer
doesn’t come, I won’t be able to go to school for another
year. This will be very detrimental for me. Hopefully, I’ll
be accepted.
Thursday, 14 September 1933
I wrote a letter in the office until noon and went to the
orchard. Then, I went to Cemal’s orchard, where Cemal,
Hilmi and I passed the time until evening.
Friday, 15 September 1933
Thankfully, the weather cleared up after three days of bad
weather. I went in the river for a bath.
Saturday, 16 September 1933
The weather was cloudy in the morning. It started raining
an hour after I arrived at the office and continued until
evening. As I was about to close the office, Behcet of Pazar
came. He had brought the son of a relative for treatment.
Sunday, 17 September 1933
It rained again today. Behcet and I sat in the coffee house
until evening.
Monday, 18 September 1933
The weather cleared up. Behcet and I read a novel until
evening. The one I was reading was “Kızılcık Dalları” by
Reşad Nuri Bey, but it wasn’t very good. We sent a
telegram to the Ministry concerning my documents.
Tuesday, 19 September 1933
In the morning my father went to Turhal in order to see off
Şükrü Bey’s family. I waited in the office until 3 o’clock.
Wednesday, 20 September 1933
The response came to the telegram we sent. Rıza Bey said
“Don’t worry I’ll get a result.” Based on this, I’m hoping
I’ll go to medical school this year. Then so many of my
dreams will come true. I finished “Kızılcık Dalları” and
started Hüseyin Rahmi’s “Muhabbet Tılsımı”.
Thursday, 21 September 1933
Behcet went to Pazar in the morning. I finished
“Muhabbet Tılsımı”.
Friday, 22 September 1933
Some guests came to the orchard in the morning. We were
quite annoyed by the noise the children made. I read some
more installments of “Gül Hanım”.
Saturday, 23 September 1933
Behcet came from Pazar again. In the evening my mother
came to Tokat. She’ll go to Fineze village tomorrow. I got
a letter from Namık. I was pleased by the contents and
especially enjoyed the parts he wrote about her.
Tokat 1932
Sunday, 24 September 1933
My mother went to the village. I read and finished the
novel “Şık”. I started reading “Tutuşmuş Gönüller”.
Monday, 25 September 1933
I stayed at the office until noon. In the afternoon Behcet
and I went to the library. I’ve read 285 pages of
“Tutuşmuş Gönüller”. I wote a poem called “Ne Mutlu”
(How Happy).
Tuesday, 26 September 1933
In the morning I wrote a poem called “Hayat” (Life).
I finished “Tutuşmuş Gönüller”.
Wednesday, 27 September 1933
I started reading the novel “Cehennemlik”. Behcet went to
Pazar. I got a telegram from the Ministry that read as follows:
“Selahattin Efendi’s documents have been completed. The
acceptance order will be issued separately.” It was signed by
“Husammetin, in the name of the Deputy of the Health
Ministry.” Based on this, it’s nearly a certainty that I’ll be
enrolled in school. God willing, a good result will emerge.
I wrote a letter to Namık in the morning and mailed it. My
mother came back from the village.
Thursday, 28 September 1933
I went to the bath with my father at noon. The rest of the
day I spent at the office.
Friday, 29 September 1933
In the morning my father went to Gümeleönü village to get
a power of attorney. I stayed at the orchard until evening.
I read some more installments of “Gül Hanım”.
Gümeleönü village is located east of Tokat city.
It is probably Selahattin's ancestral village.
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