Istanbul University for medical school, taking
the train from Turhal in Tokat, through Sivas,
Kayseri and Ankara to Haydarpaşa station in
Again, no mention of or reference to Cemile.//

Istanbul University, circa 1930.
Thursday, 16 November 1933
Behcet came in the morning in order to take his mother to
Pazar. He insisted that I come too, so I did. The vehicle
we rode in had a white tent on top. Along the way I read
Reşad Nuri Bey’s novel “Acımak”. So it seemed like we
got to Pazar quickly although it had taken three hours and
forty five minutes. We went to a coffee house in the
evening. Teachers Salih Bey, Lütfi Bey and Zeki Bey were
there. When Behcet, Mustafa and I arrived we had the
table enlarged. We had a fun time.
we rode in had a white tent on top. Along the way I read
Reşad Nuri Bey’s novel “Acımak”. So it seemed like we
got to Pazar quickly although it had taken three hours and
forty five minutes. We went to a coffee house in the
evening. Teachers Salih Bey, Lütfi Bey and Zeki Bey were
there. When Behcet, Mustafa and I arrived we had the
table enlarged. We had a fun time.
Friday, 17 November 1933
Until noon, I walked around and also helped out in Behcet’s
store. In the afternoon, we said goodbye and I headed back
to Tokat in a “yaylı” (carriage with springs), arriving in
Tokat in the evening. After dinner my father and I went to
the cinema but because there were so few customers we got
our tickets back.
store. In the afternoon, we said goodbye and I headed back
to Tokat in a “yaylı” (carriage with springs), arriving in
Tokat in the evening. After dinner my father and I went to
the cinema but because there were so few customers we got
our tickets back.
Saturday, 18 November 1933
We went to the cinema again this evening and saw the film
“Güzeller Güzeli”. But because it was silent I didn’t enjoy
“Güzeller Güzeli”. But because it was silent I didn’t enjoy
Sunday, 19 November 1933
I chatted a lot with my old friend Nazım in the office.
Monday, 20 November 1933
Rıza Bey came yesterday and said that my documents have
been written. He said they will come for sure either today
or tomorrow.
been written. He said they will come for sure either today
or tomorrow.
Wednesday, 22 November 1933
The weather turned bad. Yesterday it rained a bit, but today
it rained continuously. As a result, there was snow on the
pine trees and tea orchards in the hills.
it rained continuously. As a result, there was snow on the
pine trees and tea orchards in the hills.
Thursday, 23 November 1933
A letter came to my father with the signature of the health
official, saying that I have been registered in the medical
school dormitory. We decided that I will leave on Saturday.
We went to the movies in the evening and saw “Çareviç”.
official, saying that I have been registered in the medical
school dormitory. We decided that I will leave on Saturday.
We went to the movies in the evening and saw “Çareviç”.
Friday, 24 November 1933
I went to the bath with my father in the morning. I said
my farewells to everyone until evening.
my farewells to everyone until evening.

Atatürk at the Turhal train station in 1930.
Saturday, 25 November 1933
We departed Tokat at seven thirty. As my mother looked at
me with tears in her eyes, I did all I could not to cry. My
father and I reached Turhal at nine thirty and we waited at
the station until 1 o’clock. The ticket cost 1,314 kuruş. I
boarded the train and the bell rang immediately. For that
reason I couldn’t kiss my father’s hand. A man from
Eskişehir named Ahmet Efendi, whom I met in Turhal,
helped me out and had me sit next to him. Also in our
compartment was Zühdü Bey, who is a relative of Muhsin
Bey. I chatted with him all the way to Sivas, where we
arrived at eight fifty and departed at nine thirty. Since this
is my first train travel, I liked it very much. I put my head
on the broad surface of the train’s table and went to sleep.
me with tears in her eyes, I did all I could not to cry. My
father and I reached Turhal at nine thirty and we waited at
the station until 1 o’clock. The ticket cost 1,314 kuruş. I
boarded the train and the bell rang immediately. For that
reason I couldn’t kiss my father’s hand. A man from
Eskişehir named Ahmet Efendi, whom I met in Turhal,
helped me out and had me sit next to him. Also in our
compartment was Zühdü Bey, who is a relative of Muhsin
Bey. I chatted with him all the way to Sivas, where we
arrived at eight fifty and departed at nine thirty. Since this
is my first train travel, I liked it very much. I put my head
on the broad surface of the train’s table and went to sleep.
Sunday, 26 November 1933
Before dawn in the morning we reached Kayseri. Since we
stayed there until 6 o’clock I got a good view of all of
Kayseri. It is quite a big city. From what I heard, a hoja
who boarded at Sivas and a Kurd from Erzincan got into
fistfights twice during the night. But since I was asleep I
didn’t hear the fighting. At around five thirty in the evening
we reached Ankara, which was decorated with stars and
made me very excited. If I had the time I would have done
a lot of touring. Ahmet Efendi and I dined together. At
7 o’clock we departed Ankara and along the way I fell asleep.
stayed there until 6 o’clock I got a good view of all of
Kayseri. It is quite a big city. From what I heard, a hoja
who boarded at Sivas and a Kurd from Erzincan got into
fistfights twice during the night. But since I was asleep I
didn’t hear the fighting. At around five thirty in the evening
we reached Ankara, which was decorated with stars and
made me very excited. If I had the time I would have done
a lot of touring. Ahmet Efendi and I dined together. At
7 o’clock we departed Ankara and along the way I fell asleep.
Monday, 27 November 1933
We’re passing through greenery as dawn breaks. As the
train goes along the rustling of the trees is very pleasant.
Finally, toward 11 o’clock we reached Istanbul. With the
help of a Bosnian fellow named Ahmet, I boarded the ferry
and got off at the bridge, where I gave my suitcase to a little
kid. I checked into the Güzel İzmir hotel and then went out
to mail a letter to Suavi and to send a telegram to my father.
Then I went up the hill to a big open area that I thought was
Beyazid and looked for the school. I couldn’t find it,
though. At the hotel in the evening I realized that the person
next to me was Ağacıkzade Şevki Efendi. Derviş Bey and
Sıddiki Bey were there, as well. The next day they
promised me they would help me out. At night I awoke
when someone sprinkled water on my face. Evidently,
after he got my letter Suavi cam to see me. Of course,
we had a good chat and then I went back to bed.
train goes along the rustling of the trees is very pleasant.
Finally, toward 11 o’clock we reached Istanbul. With the
help of a Bosnian fellow named Ahmet, I boarded the ferry
and got off at the bridge, where I gave my suitcase to a little
kid. I checked into the Güzel İzmir hotel and then went out
to mail a letter to Suavi and to send a telegram to my father.
Then I went up the hill to a big open area that I thought was
Beyazid and looked for the school. I couldn’t find it,
though. At the hotel in the evening I realized that the person
next to me was Ağacıkzade Şevki Efendi. Derviş Bey and
Sıddiki Bey were there, as well. The next day they
promised me they would help me out. At night I awoke
when someone sprinkled water on my face. Evidently,
after he got my letter Suavi cam to see me. Of course,
we had a good chat and then I went back to bed.

Haydarpaşa train station, Istanbul, 1930s.
Tuesday, 28 November 1933
In the morning, after I drank some milk I went to look
around Beyazid again and this time I found the university.
While I was walking around there, I ran into Salih from
Tokat. After he got out of the laboratory he was going to
take me to the rooming house at 11 o’clock. While I was
there I also ran into mathematics teacher Restim Bey, who
said that his father had died. I was very sorry to hear this.
Toward 11 o’clock I ran into Osman and came back to the
dormitory with him. After we had lunch together we got
vaccinated and then Şemsi and I went to the center to fill
out our declarations. They gave us some items. Namık
came in the evening but he had to leave right away to go
to dinner.
around Beyazid again and this time I found the university.
While I was walking around there, I ran into Salih from
Tokat. After he got out of the laboratory he was going to
take me to the rooming house at 11 o’clock. While I was
there I also ran into mathematics teacher Restim Bey, who
said that his father had died. I was very sorry to hear this.
Toward 11 o’clock I ran into Osman and came back to the
dormitory with him. After we had lunch together we got
vaccinated and then Şemsi and I went to the center to fill
out our declarations. They gave us some items. Namık
came in the evening but he had to leave right away to go
to dinner.
Wednesday, 29 November 1933
I went to class today. The room was quite large and there
were a lot of students. I spoke with doctor and Tevfik.
This life is fine but I still long for my high school days.
Probably once I get used to it I’ll like this life just as much.
were a lot of students. I spoke with doctor and Tevfik.
This life is fine but I still long for my high school days.
Probably once I get used to it I’ll like this life just as much.
In the afternoon, we went to the ‘Mülkiye’ (school for civil
service) to see Namık but he was in English class so we
didn’t see him. We spoke with Gazi there. We wrote a
two-line note to Namık and went back to school.
service) to see Namık but he was in English class so we
didn’t see him. We spoke with Gazi there. We wrote a
two-line note to Namık and went back to school.
Thursday, 30 November 1933
I wrote a letter to my father in the afternoon. In the evening
Şemsi and I toured around Beyoğlu, where we ran into Suavi.
He said that he’ll probably be going to Europe soon.
Şemsi and I toured around Beyoğlu, where we ran into Suavi.
He said that he’ll probably be going to Europe soon.
Medical students at Istanbul University, 1930s.
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