türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 20 November 2018)
Vikings in Turkey click here for previous TNT report on
this subject.
Viking sword found at Patara.
In Patara antique city, which was the capital of the Lycian Federation
in the second and third centuries B.C., Prof. Dr. Havva İşkan of
Akdeniz University is currently leading an excavation effort that has
been ongoing for 30 years. In a dig at the port bath region, a Viking
sword dating from the 9th or 10th century A.D. has been found.
Dr. Feyzullah Şahin of Izmir Demokrasi University explained that
"up to now, the only cultural artifact that signaled a Viking presence
in Anatolia was a Viking sword found in an excavation at
Yumuktepe in Mersin in 2010. So this Viking sword found at
Patara is definitely a Viking sword." He added that the sword was
a small clue regarding the Vikings who served the Eastern Rome
Empire for 400 years.
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According to Dr. Şahin, "the blade of the Viking sword found at
Patara is broken and corroded. We think it belonged to a soldier
from the Vareg (Viking) Units who took part in sea battles during
the 9th century and the first half of the 10th century for the Eastern
Roman Empire. The remaining part of sword measures 43.2 cm.
(17 inches). The hilt portion between the blade and the handle
has an oval form, whereas the 'pırazvana' (sword section that
remains inside the grip of the holder) has a thin form from the hilt
toward the 'topuz' (knob). There is a flat guard on the upper portion
of the handle and above it there is a single-layered knob. The remains
on the sword blade show that it was contained in a wooden sheath."
"Based on this information, the sword dates from the 9th century
or the first half of the 10th century. The sword may have belonged
to a Vareg (Viking) soldier from the Byzantine Imperial Army that
was trying to retake Crete from the Abbasis. Alternatively, it may
have belonged to the Varegs (Vikings) who were not in the service
of the empire and who were trying to seize Constantinople
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