türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 27 November 2018)
For those who REALLY want to get away from it all...
The village of Irmakyanı in Yusufeli district of Artvin province has
only one way in and one way out. Access to the village of 152 people
is accomplished only by means of a 50-meter hanging bridge over
the Çoruh River.
Curfew time.
Observers are amazed to see small trucks, minibuses and other vehicles
cross the bridge. In order to prevent wild animals from entering the
village, there is a steel gate at the bridge's end that is closed by the
last person crossing at the end of the day. Resident Ethem Somaz
explained that "the bridge's sturdiness is argued about but we need it.
There's no other way to and from the village, so we use it."
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