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(Milliyet Newspaper, 23 November 2018)
Makes you wish he'd just played endless video games
Yesterday in Yenimahalle, Ankara, Russian Alex Fokin (17) went
up to the roof of a 7-story building and jumped toward the adjacent
roof. He missed it, though, and died in the fall. Fokin's fall was
captured on video by two of his friends. The three had gone to
the Çınarkent Sitesi apartment complex to make their jumps.
One of Fokin's friends made the leap first and succeeded in
landing on the next roof. Fokin tried next but tripped on his
approach and plunged to the ground between the buildings. The
three friends had been engaging in 'parkur', a roof-jumping
trend that has spread rapidly on social media.
'Parkur' was started in the 1980s by three French youths named
Raymond Belle, David Belle and Sebastian Foucan and has
taken its place among 'extreme sports'.
Yenimahalle is within Ankara city.
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