31 Aralık 2024 Salı

"Beat & Release": "Boiling" Maniac Targets Upstairs Woman Neighbor with His Electrified Nail Contraption, in Antalya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 31 December 2024)

"Good fences make good neighbors" - difficult to do
in an apartment building.

In Antalya, Serhan Kaynar (52), who lives on the 4th floor of
an apartment building (and whose surname means "boiling"), 
previously threatened his upstairs neighbor Tezcan K. (36), 
saying "I'll throw a Molotov cocktail at your house and burn it 
down!".  On 7 October, Kaynar poured paint thinner at Tezcan 
hanım's doorstep and lit it.  Kaynar fled but was taken into 
custody by police and jailed - only to be released two months 
later (!). 

On 27 December, Kaynar put together an electrical 
contraption with nails on a 2-meter-long board (!) and waited
with it for Tezcan hanım to come to her home.   Wondering
when she would arrive, Kaynar slyly asked the building's
superintendent to call her  and in reply Tezcan hanım said
she would be home in an hour. 

Serhan bey hopes to patent his contraption...when
he get out of jail.

At about 10 o'clock that night, when Tezcan hanım came
home Kaynar attacked her with his contraption, with one
of its electrified nails contacting and wounding Tezcan
hanım on her chest.  She screamed and as neighbors came
to her aid, Kaynar fled but was again taken into custody
by police. 

Kaynar confessed and "explained" that "I didn't know my
upstairs neighbor previously - I first met her at the police
station two months ago after I set her front door on fire
with paint thinner (!).  I made a decision to kill her.  Since
I don't have any money, I made a contraption with cables
I'd collected, wrapped them around a board on which I 
put nails, with an electrical plug on the other end of the
board.  I thought that the electrified nails would kill the
woman so I hit her with the contraption on her chest. She
screamed and I thought the neighbors would lynch me
so I fled to my own home and waited for the police."

Kaynar was jailed for premeditated attempted murder. 
Tezcan hanım lamented that "When he attacked me I
pressed the "KADES" button (app for women to 
summon police) and the police came.  I live with my
daughter and my niece. He thought that since there was
no man here he could terrorize us."


30 Aralık 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Woman's Crockodile Tears Over "Beating and Break-in" Dry Up, in Hatay

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 30 December 2024)

             Oscar-worthy performance all for nought.

Ayhan Kıdır, who lives in Belen district of Hatay province and 
whose home was destroyed in last year's earthquake, claimed that 
two masked men entered her rented home, beat her and made off 
with her gold bracelets on 28 December. 

Ayhan hanım initially said that "The stolen gold was our only
wealth and we were going to give it to a contractor on Tuesday
to build our new home.  I need help from state officials.  I'm an
earthquake victim and my husband has cancer."

However (!),  when police reviewed security camera footage
and found no evidence of a break-in, Ayhan hanım fessed up
and "explained" that there were no intruders nor was there any 
robbery.  Rather, two months ago she had given the bracelets to 
her son M.K. to cover his gambling debts. 

29 Aralık 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Is Nowhere Sacred?! Official Shot Dead in Moslem Clergy Office, in Beydağ

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 25 December 2024)

                    Sort of like being shot in church.

Selman Başer (38), who lives in Muğla, was assigned as the 
data preparation officer at the Beydağ "Müftülüğü" (local 
Moslem clergy office) two months ago, so he moved to 
Beydağ, which is located in extreme southeastern Izmir

Sercan D. (31), with whom Başer had been at odds when
they were both in Muğla, approached Başer as he entered
the "Müftülüğü" building at 9 o'clock in the morning and
fired 9 bullets at Başer, killing him.

Sercan D. fled the murder scene but was apprehended
in Turgutlu district of Manisa province .  He confessed to
the murder. 

28 Aralık 2024 Cumartesi

"Bet & Release": Sexy Social Media Phenoms Seduced Followers Toward Gambling Sites

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 28 December 2024)

                          "I bet I can make you bet."

Istanbul anti-cyber crime teams determined that 7 social media
"phenoms"  with high volumes of followers have put ads on their
websites enticing people to gamble. Yesterday  morning in 
simultaneous raids, Elanur Bulut, Salim Çato, Zeynep Buse
Korkmaz and Buse Şahin were taken into custody - the first
three above were jailed and Buse hanım was released on 
judicial supervision. 

No sympathy...

Arrest warrants were also issued for Okan Serbes, Buse Plan
and Tuna Yurdakul, who have 1.2 million followers (!) but
who are currently living abroad.  

27 Aralık 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Ingrate Couple Attack Medics and Boast "Don't You Know Who I Am!?", in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 26 December 2024)

           Unfortunately, now we know who they are.

In Istanbul's Beyoğlu district the night before last,  Murat D.
(26) and his girlfriend Buket C. (25) went drinking at a 
nightclub.  When they left Murat D. experienced stomach
pains so he called "112" (Turkey's 1911") for emergency
medical assistance.  Medics arrived and put a needle in his
arm's vein.  

Murat D. did not want to go to a hospital, but the medics
insisted, although they did not allow Buket hanım to get
into the ambulance with him.  This prompted Murat D.
to rip the tube from his arm and get out of the ambulance.
Both he and Buket hanım then began to kick and punch
the medics (!). 

The enraged couple broke the ambulance mirror and the
medics had the two of them taken into custody by police.
Subsequently, they were released by the public prosecutor (!).

The medics told police that Murat D. had said to them: 
"Do you know who I am?!  I'll have you shot in Okmeydanı!"
(where the Istanbul courthouse is located). 

Murat D. won't get rich selling these...

26 Aralık 2024 Perşembe

"Banish & Release": Ecuadorian VP "Exiled" to Turkey

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 26 December 2024)

                                     In happier days...

The crisis between the president of Ecuador Daniel Noboa and
Vice President Veronica Abad continues to escalate.  The two
have been at odds since they came to power last year and Noboa
sent Abad to Israel as an envoy to protest Israel's attacks on 

However (!), citing security concerns, Abad was instructed to
leave Israel and go to Turkey, but she refused to go, so she was
suspended from her position for five months.  However (!!),
an Ecuadorian court voided this penalty, which prompted her
rival Noboa to send her to Turkey once again, supposedly to deal 
with bilateral economic relations. 

Abad's duty in Turkey was supposed to begin on 27 December
but, in her posting on X she characterized her assignment at
"exile" and filed a complaint with the public prosecutor in

25 Aralık 2024 Çarşamba

"Fleece & Release": 6th Century Statue Seized in Ankara 7 Years After Its Theft in Isparta

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 25 December 2024)

               The tales he could tell...

In Gölbaşı, Ankara, on 22 November police stopped a vehicle
in which three people were riding.  A search of the vehicle
revealed the 70-centimeter (27.5 inches) statue of a priest from
the 6th Century that had been stolen from the Yalvaç Museum
in Yalvaç district of Isparta province seven years ago (!). 

The statue was seized by police and Mustafa Küçük (45), 
Hasan Kafaoğlu (46) and Mustafa Kara (48) were taken into
custody.  They were jailed for violating law number 2863,
concerning the protection of cultural and natural treasures. 

The suspects rejected the charges.  Küçük, telling the judge
he makes a living in the fertilizer and acid business, "explained"
that the statue had been given to his son as a wedding present.
When he realized it could not be sold he decided to bring it to
a museum in Ankara and was apprehended en route (!).

24 Aralık 2024 Salı

"Bribe & Release": Everyone's on the Take, Bribe-taking That Is, in Mersin

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 24 December 2024)

                                         Chain of fools.

Police in Mersin took action upon learning of  mass bribe-taking
among customs officials there.  The police operation, nicknamed
"zincir" (chain), lasted 10 months and resulted in simultaneous 
raids on 19 December, in which 24 customs officials, including 
those of senior rank, were among the 122 individuals taken into

Even the smallest matters required businesses and shop owners
to pay bribes as a routine way of getting things done. 
The loot the bribe-takers had in their possession included 
American dollars, gold ingots and jewelry.  In addition, police
seized revolvers, clips, bullets, luxury watches and narcotic

10 suspects were released after giving statements.  In the end
91 individuals were jailed, including 24 customs officials and
67 customs "advisors" (!).  

23 Aralık 2024 Pazartesi

"Find & Release": Baby Gorilla En Route From Nigeria to Bangkok Discovered and Rescued in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 December 2024)

            "Prince Kong"...what might have been.

On 20 December, customs officials at Istanbul Airport 
inspecting cargo planes, determined that the cargo manifest of 
a cargo plane that came from Nigeria and was headed for 
Bangkok listed its cargo falsely - when a cage-like crate in the 
cargo hold was opened a baby gorilla was in it (!). 

Gorillas are considered to be in critical danger by the International
Union for the Conservation of Nature and their transport is
prohibited.  The baby gorilla was turned over to personnel of
the Istanbul Agriculture and Forests Directorate. 

Bangkok sequel has been delayed indefinitely.


22 Aralık 2024 Pazar

"Fleece & Release": AI Video Used Famous Antalya Surgeon to Sell Fake Cream; Fake Doctor & "Sexy" Husband "Treat" Mersin

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 December 2024)

   Real doctor "endorsing" fake cream, thanks to AI.

Organ transplant expert surgeon Prof. Dr. Ömer Özkan, who
works at Akdeniz University's Prof. Dr. Tuncer Karpuzoğlu
Organ Transplant Institute in Antalya, has been victimized
by AI (artificial intelligence) on the internet.  Scoundrels
used AI to copy Dr. Özkan's voice in order to sell cream (!).

Dr. Özkan, the first surgeon in the world to do a womb
transplant and the first in Turkey to do face and arm
transplants, had given an interview sometime ago and the
scoundrels manipulated the interview video with AI  to
have Dr. Özkan praise a cream as the remedy for all sorts
of ailments and as a way to avoid operations.

Once he learned of the fake AI video, Dr. Özkan filed
criminal police reports. He stated that "I was very upset
when I saw the video.  We've gone too far with AI and it has
begun to cause big problems."  He added that the video
remained on social media for five days without being 
taken down. 

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 December 2024)

       Fake doctor "treating" patients, thanks to hutzpa.

Gendarmerie teams in Mersin learned that female Syrian
doktor K.Ş., who has no Turkish certification, was treating 
patients, and that her husband S.Ş. was making sex pills for
sale (!).  

Both of them were taken into custody and in a search
conducted at their address a doctor's apron, an ultrasound 
device, a stethoscope, two tension devices, 75 injectors, an 
acupuncture measuring device, 237 acupuncture needles, 
as well as 320 sex pills and the material used to make them, 
were seized.

17 Aralık 2024 Salı

"Batman & Release": Emergency Bat-phone Abuse in Batman Province

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 16 December 2024)

                      Batman province's first responders.

In Batman province, in the first 11 months of 2024, out of 
807,494 calls to "112" (Turkey's "911" emergency center)
647,519 were spurious.  One person made 11,156 spurious
112 calls in 4 months. (!)

The bonafide emergency "112" calls were directed for 
action to, in order, health services, police, fire department,
Gendarmerie, AFAD (disaster/search & rescue), and forestry.
9 people were identified and fined a total of 17,820 TL
(about $500) for making spurious "112" calls.

Tell-tale geography...


12 Aralık 2024 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Too-smart BMW Catches Fire But Locks Out Owner, in Antalya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 12 December 2024)

     Cars, like kids, today are too smart for their own good!

In Antalya's Kepez district, a fire in luxury BMW car's fuse box
prompted onlookers to alert the car's owner Gökhan Karabacak,
who arrived at the scene in the Fevzi Çakmak neighborhood, 
only to find that the car had locked itself and locked him out. (!)

Karaback broke the car's right rear window but still couldn't 
get to the fuse box fire under the front hood so he called the 
fire department.  Firefighters put the fire out and saved the car
from total destruction, although there was 40,000 TL ($1,100)
worth of damage done.  Karabacak had bought the car in 
Konya two years ago. 

11 Aralık 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Gendarmerie Seized "Golden Shoes", in Hakkari

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 11 December 2024)

                                             End user.

In Yüksekova district of Hakkari province, Gendarmerie teams
stopped a vehicle and found 18 kilograms of gold ingots 
hidden in the shoes of the two passengers (!).  The gold has
a market value of 54 million TL (about $1.5 million).

In an announcement the Hakkari Governorate stated that:
"The Hakkari Provincial Gendarmerie Command learned
from a tip that undeclared gold was being smuggled in a
vehicle in Yüksekova district.  The vehicle in question was
identified, stopped and a search of the two individuals inside 
the vehicle revealed 18 gold ingots, one of which was 
24-carat gold, with each ingot weighing one kilogram, hidden
in their shoes (!). Judicial measures have been initiated."

10 Aralık 2024 Salı

"Dive & Release": Gold From the Deep Found by "Hobby" Diver, Seized by Police, in Bartın

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 10 December 2024)

               Are pawn shops the same as museums?...

At the Küçük Liman bay in Amasra district of Bartın province, 
Sercan A. (35) dove in a restricted archeological site with a 
detector searching for gold.  Yesterday he did the same thing
at Büyük Liman bay, was taken into custody and released. 

Citizens noticed Sercan A. diving with the detector and 
informed the police and Coast Guard officials, who came and 
seized  a gold ring, earrings, coins and some other metal items
from Sercan A.  

He had come from Izmir to dive at the Bartın shore, saying
that he is not a treasure hunter and that this is just his hobby.
Sercan A. asserted that he turns over anything that might
have historical value to museums. (!) 

8 Aralık 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": What's in a Name - Chilean Thief Escobar (!) Robs Swiss Businessman's Home, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 8 December 2024)

                Swiss Family Robbed and then some. 

In Beşiktaş, Istanbul, Chilean Franco Antonio Escobar climbed
the fence surrounding the home of  Swiss businessman 
Donikyan Kevork (63) and stole 3.5 TL worth of jewelry and
foreign currency from the safe.  He was pursued, caught and

The incident occurred about eight-thirty at night on 13 November
in the Kuruçeşme neighborhood.  Kevork, who lives with his
family in Istanbul, had gone out for the evening.  Taking full
advantage of Kevork's and his family's absence, the suspect
climbed up to the 3rd-floor flat, broke the window and 
entered, wounding his hand in the process.  Once inside, the
thief found the safe and removed the valuables.

Kevork returned home and realized he'd been robbed so he
called the police, who reviewed street security camera footage
and noted that the suspect had boarded a city bus. After 
reviewing 32 hours worth of footage from 54 cameras, police
nabbed Chilean national Franco Antonio Escobar S.J. (28)
in a hotel in the Beyoğlu neighborhood.  All of Kevork's
valuables were found in the Chilean's room and returned
to him.  Senor Franco was jailed.

Young Franco with Dad at the White House years ago.

4 Aralık 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Policeman O.K. Stole and Sold Guns & Ammo to Settle His Debts, in Adana

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 4 December 2024)

Hmmm, seems like a lot of stuff is missing...that's not OK!

New details have come out about the theft and sale of guns
and ammunition from the Adana police depot.  Special
operations policeman O.K. (!) planned the sale of the weapons 
and ammunition to settle debts he incurred playing the stock 

O.K. sold the weapons material to Y.Y., a policeman who
was fired because of his connections to FETÖ (Fethullah
Gülen Terror Organization) and his use of the FETÖ 
"ByLock" email system., through female "başkomiser"
(chief inspector) Z.T. M., assigned to the special operations
office in Mersin.  Z.T.M sold the items to a hunting shop,
together with A.M., the wife of a policeman in Mezitli, and
criminal organization lawyer M.Y.  

The suspects made the theft look like the guns and ammo
had been expended during training before selling them to
the criminal organization.  

Policeman O.K. sold t-shirts for his debt relief too.

Raids were conducted on 29 November and O.K., A.M.,
Z.T.M. and M.Y. were among the 11 suspects taken into
custody.  Found at M.Y.'s office were 139 hand bombs, 55
revolvers, 3 automatic revolvers, 2 hunting rifles, 7,621
bullets of various calibers, 200 clips, 17 ballistic vests, 5
electro-shock devices, 40 pepper spray canisters and 23
knives. (!)

An inventory of the depot revealed that 100 hand bombs
and 255,000 bullets were missing and police are trying to
track down the buyers of the stolen material.  O.K., who
confessed, former policeman Y.Y., lawyer M.Y., police
wife A.M., along with E.T., A.K. and K.B. were jailed
and four others released on judicial supervision. 

3 Aralık 2024 Salı

"Fleece & Release": More Than Half a Million Dollars Bilked From Animal Donations, in Ankara

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 3 December 2024)

                    Buket hanım tending her herd.

The Ankara public prosecutor began an investigation into ill-gotten
gains reaped by the directors of the "Yaşama Tutanan Patiler Derneği"
(Association for Paws Holding on to Life) organization.  A total of 18
individuals came under suspicion of using contributions for the care
of animals for their own purposes, amounting to 20 million TL (about
$575,000) (!)

Nine of the 18 suspects were taken into custody, including association
chief Buket Özgünlü, her brother-in-law, and her older sister Demet 
Kılıç. These three were jailed as was Ertan Işık, the owner of a parrot 
shop (!).  They were charged with using donations that came for the 
care and feeding of animals for themselves.

Missing from the sign: "Hold on to your wallet!"

2 Aralık 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Ambulance Driver Attacked by Traffic Goons, in Bursa

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 2 December 2024)

      Hey guys! What about the heart attack victim??!!

On 10 October, ambulance driver Muhammet Ali Karasulu
was taking a heart attack victim to a hospital in Bursa, speeding
along the shoulder of the highway with his lights flashing and
siren blaring.  But when another car cut in front of Karasulu,
he had to slow down.  The driver of  the car in back of him 
wanted to pass Karasulu and succeeded in overtaking the
ambulance, cutting of Karasulu and stopping. 

Alighting from the car were Selim Yedikardeş, Semih 
Yedikardeş and Melih Yedikardeş, who cursed and insulted
Karasulu, whose throat was squeezed by Selim bey when
he got out of the ambulance.  Melih bey then began to punch
Karasulu, shouting "I'll kill you! You're done for!"  

Subsequent to this unpleasantness, Karasulu got a "darp"
(beating) report from a doctor to confirm his injuries, one
of which was a break in the "larnyx hyoid" bone in his
throat.  Police took the three Yedikardeşler's into custody
but they, in turn, filed a complaint against Karasulu for 
attacking them (!). 

Good thing he had an ambulance for himself.

Melih bey was jailed but his father Selim bey and brother
Semih bey were released.  After an inquiry, though, the
public prosecutor requested jail sentences of up to 8.5
years for Melih bey and Selim bey.  Semih bey was charged
with just "insulting".  

However (!), based on Melih bey's complaint, the public
prosecutor requested a jail sentence of up to 6.5 years
for Karasulu.  If this sentence is confirmed then Karasulu
will be barred from holding a government job.  In any case,
all the suspects will appear before a judge tomorrow. 

1 Aralık 2024 Pazar

Artist Waited 55 Years to Claim Compensation for Atatürk Portrait - Too Late!

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 1 December 2024)

          Better late than never...but better never late.

Artist Etem Çalışkan first published his pencil-drawn portrait and 
signature of Atatürk on 10 November 1969.  Since then the work
has been seen all over and some merchants have printed and sold
t-shirts, such as textile firm owner B.S.  This situation has now
prompted artist Çalişkan to demand compensation. 

When B.S. learned of Çalışkan's complaint he says that he stopped
producing the t-shirts.  However, Ankara public prosecutor Mehmet
Taştan ruled that since up to now Çalışkan had never complained
about others using his work, 55 years later he cannot demand
compensation from B.S. or anyone else.

So maybe they should be free...or two for the price of one...