31 Ağustos 2019 Cumartesi

Russian Teenager Dies in Turkey. Her Organs Stolen & Sold!...Or Not?

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Milliyet Newspaper, 31 August 2019)

korkunç iddia sofya lanshakova ile ilgili görsel sonucu
The late Sofya Lanshkova and her father Viacheslan Lanshakov.

The Russian Lanshakova family came to Alanya in Antalya province
for a vacation in July.  Daughter Sofya (17) had lunch at a restaurant
in the Mahmutlar neighborhood on 13 July, became sick to her stomach
and was taken to a local health unit.  After initial treatment, Sofya was
transferred to a private hospital in Alanya by ambulance but despite all
efforts to save her, Sofya died. Sofya's body was then sent to the
Antalya Forensic Medicine Council (AFMC) in Antalya for an autopsy.

Meanwhile, a horrific claim was made on the TVK6 television channel
in Russia.  Sofya's father asserted on TV that his daughter was killed at
a hospital in Antalya and her organs were sold on the black market (!).
The father stated that Sofya was diagnosed with appendicitis but when
they received her body her womb and other organs were missing. The
Russian and international press reported the incident with the headline
"Russian Tourist Killed in Turkey, Organs Stolen".

Refuting Sofya's father's claim, the Antalya Provincial Health
Director, Dr. Unal Hülür, stated that Sofya's organs were being held
at AFMC for examination.  In addition, the Alanya public prosecutor,
Yasin Emre, noted that Sofya's organs were at AFMC so that they
could be analyzed for toxicology and to determine the precise cause
of death.  Emre said that Sofya's body had been turned over to her
father, Viacheslan Lanshakov.

alanya haritası ile ilgili görsel sonucu

30 Ağustos 2019 Cuma

Children Having (Way Too Many - 274!) Children

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Sözcü Newspaper, 30 August 2019)

kepez coçuk gelinleri ile ilgili görsel sonucu
                        Ready or not...

CHP (opposition party) Parliamentarian Rafet Zeybek has brought the
scandal of the birth of 274 children in Antalya Kepez State Hospital
over the past two years by mothers aged between 14 and 17 (!), to
Parliament.  Meanwhile, the Antalya Bar has taken the matter to court,
noting that 159 of the children were born to Syrian and Afghan girls
and 115 to Turks.

Zeybek requested that Presidential Assistant Fuat Oktay respond to the
situation and he noted that "at an age when they should be playing
games and going to school, these girls are becoming mothers.  The
AKP (ruling party) showed its true colors on the matter when they
tried to rush through a bill in the middle of the night to excuse the
men who impregnated these underage girls and the public still
remembers this."

Zeybek added that "many girls escaping the war in Syria are being
sexually exploited and become unwilling mothers and brides. And
the fate of the babies is unknown, as well.  The public needs to know
how these babies are being cared for and what their health status is."

kepez coçuk gelinleri ile ilgili görsel sonucu
                     Hello, is there an adult in the room?

Stephen King Suicide Mystery in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspapaper, 30 August 2019)

poşetle boğulan abdli stephen king ile ilgili görsel sonucu

US obituary click here for King's detailed life story.

American Stephen Michael King was found dead in a hotel room in
Beyoğlu, Istanbul, on 28 May 2018.  It has now been revealed that
King was a senior diplomat in the U.S. State Department.  The
Istanbul prosecutor has determined that King died from suffocation
brought about by a plastic bag wrapped around his head.

When police found King in the hotel room there was a suicide note
next to his body.  Hotel video showed that no one else had entered
King's room.  Nevertheless, at the time police characterized King's
death as 'suspicious' but subsequent investigations settled on the
premise that King's death was probably a suicide from suffocation.

King's body was buried in Louisville, Kentucky.  Burial documents
revealed that King began his professional career in 1998 in the U.S.
Census Bureau as a statistician.  In 2003, he served as the Disability
Program Manager and subsequently, in the Commerce and Defense

King then moved to the State Department and had a successful
tenure there.  He was given an award on 22 February 2018 by the
UN Mission in Vienna.

stephen king ile ilgili görsel sonucu
             Something his namesake might have written...

29 Ağustos 2019 Perşembe

Thanks But No Thanks: Family Gets Dead Man's Killer's Belongings & Crime Scene Evidence

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 28 August 2019)

hafez ishak arbab jeibriel ile ilgili görsel sonucu
                               Too much of a bad thing.

In Aksaray, Istanbul, in March 2016, Sudanese migrant Hafez İshak
Arbab Jeibriel (39) was taken into custody in a stabbing incident.  In
order to have Jeibriel expelled from Turkey, police sent him to the
Şehit Vedat Ulusoy police station in Aksaray, where Tuncay Dinç (41)
and Gökhan Gün (30) were being held for involvement in a separate

At the Ulusoy police station, at 5 o'clock in the morning, Jeibriel used
a knife he had hidden in his shoe to stab Dinç and Gün.  Soon after,
Dinç died at the hospital.  Jeibriel was given life imprisonment for the
murder of Dinç and another 15 years (!) for injuring Gün.

The court contacted Dinç's father Ali Dinç to come and pick up his
son's belongings so last Thursday Dinç's older brother Turgay Dinç
came and was given a sack by police, which he took it home. 
However (!), besides Tuncay's belongings, the bag contained the
evidence of the crime, including fingerprints, swab samples and glass
and plastic water bottles, along with Jeibriel's things.

Turgay Dinç explained that "at the courhouse they put a sack in front
of me and I said that my brother didn't have that much stuff.  In any
case, I brought the sack home and when I opened it I was shocked to
see not only my brother's jacket but all the evidence from the crime
scene and his murderer's belongings, including his phone, beads,
medicines and statements.  When I saw the killer's things it doubled
my sorrow.  I'm afraid to throw these things away so we're living with
my brother's killer's belongings."

Five policemen at the Ulusoy police station are under investigation
for letting Jeibriel bring the knife into his cell.  Meanwhile, the Dinç
family has filed suit for 'police neglect' and want 510,000 TL in
damages from the Turkish Interior Ministry.

aksaray istanbul haritası ile ilgili görsel sonucu
              "A" is for "Aksaray" (or pretty close to it).

TNT History Archives: End 'Capitulations' & Reform With 'Japanese Iron Hand' (1906)

//Ed. Note: In this article, Dr. Şerefeddin Mağmumi, in 
Cairo, focused his wrath on the Ottoman 'Capitulations' to 
Europeans and suggested that a 'benevolent iron-hand' like 
the one that revived Japan was the key to Ottoman reform.//

Praise for the Rising Sun click here for a recent TNT
report about Mağmumi's infatuation with Japan re
the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

ottoman capitulation cartoons punch ile ilgili görsel sonucu

I’m Thinking That...

“Türk” newspaper: 2 June 1906

It is certain that in our country (Turkey) foreign consuls rely on the 
'Capitulations' (Ottoman State concessions to foreign governments) and 
take advantage of our weakness and laxity so that their corrupt, 
inappropriate, irregular and illegal activities continue while the 
government fails to reform itself.  How can it, though, when it’s not 
just the Ottoman State that’s running the country but all the foreign 
governments, as well.  

Every consul not only looks after his citizens’ affairs but also protects 
Christians and interferes in all Ottoman State matters.  The consuls of 
France, which is officially a secular state, act more Catholic than the 
Pope does, in the eastern countries they are assigned in.  They even l
ook after the French missionaries that the French government has 
expelled, who have sought refuge in Turkey.  The French consulates 
are the protectors of the Catholics living in the Ottoman State, while 
the English and German consuls look after the Protestants and the 
Russian consuls mind the Ottoman Orthodox flock.  

Among these consuls, and even those from smaller countries, there 
are many who are common, ignorant bigotted fanatics who hate Islam 
and the Turks.  In particular,  there are the  ‘vice consuls’ found in 
small towns, most of whom are ‘honorary’ and Greek, who are 
engaged in commerce, ferry agencies, usury, money-changing and 
wineries.  They’ve assumed the title ‘acting consul’ for themselves 
and do whatever they please.  

In Izmir, the local government shut the Greek businesses that refused 
to pay the ‘temettü’ tax (tax on profits).   Without any right to do so, 
the consuls protested and an ambassador wrote that a few days closure 
would cause unacceptable loss and harm for the businesses, which is 
understandable.  Nevertheless, they sent armed goons and clerks to 
the scene and injured some policemen in their quest to re-open the 
shops.  This isn’t consulate business, this is ‘palikaryalık’ (Greek 
rowdiness).  So the Gendarmerie soldier there guarding the shop, with 
orders not to let it be opened, shot – more in self-defense than anything 
else -  a consulate clerk, who fell to the ground.  

ottoman capitulations cartoons ile ilgili görsel sonucu

Who is at fault here?   All these foreign countries, not just the ones 
with 'Capitulations' but even the small Balkan governments that are the 
remnants of the Ottoman State, act this way, making it impossible for 
the state to govern. 

There is a solution for this, though.  We need to open our eyes.  
Reforms must be implemented, not just with words but with serious, 
fundamental and comprehensive actions in Rumeli, Anatolia and 
Arabia and for Moslems, Christians and Jews.  There must be reforms 
and corrections implemented everywhere and for everyone, so we can 
take on the shape of a European state.  After that, the capitulations and 
other privileges should be eliminated and Christians and other 
foreigners made accountable to the laws of the land.

Let us not consider this to be too difficult or impossible.  Look at the 
Japanese in the Far East. In thirty years they have reformed all aspects 
of their situation from top to bottom and have come to resemble the 
Europeans to the degree that it seems they’ve become Englishmen.  
Three or four years ago they eliminated all privileges for foreigners 
and not one European country opened its mouth to protest.
Yes, of course, Japan has one language, one sensibility, one religion 
and a uniform race, unlike us who are comprised of more than 32 
nations and sects, like the passengers on Noah’s Ark.  For the Japanese 
reform was relatively easy, compared to what it would take for us to 
reform.  Nevertheless, it would not be impossible.  It’s just that it 
would have to be done in 50 years, rather than the 4 centuries that 
have passed.  We too need a well-intentioned ‘iron hand’ for this to 

 japan 1900 cartoons ile ilgili görsel sonucu

28 Ağustos 2019 Çarşamba

The Bride Wore Handcuffs

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 28 August 2019)

düğün balayı sonra cezaevi aliye yamaçlı ile ilgili görsel sonucu
        Bride exchanging one set of handcuffs for another.

Aliye Yamaçlı, an inmate at the women's prison in Balıkesir, has
married businessman İbrahim Küpeli in Mersin.  The couple met
6 years ago and their friendship soon turned to love. However,
because Yamaçlı was involved in setting up a 'paravan' (sham)
company, she was sentenced to 5 years in jail in the Balıkesir
Ayvalık Women's Open Prison.

When Yamaçlı and Küpeli decided to get married, the bride
obtained special permission to attend the wedding ceremony in
Mersin.  Küpeli met Yamaçlı at the prison gate by spreading out a
red carpet for her.  The couple headed off to a honeymoon (!) after
the wedding but when 'the honeymoon's over' (as they say) Yamaçlı
must return to prison to complete the remaining 22 months of her

balıkesir ayvalık kadın açık ceza infaz kurumu ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Wedding gifts have begun to arrive...