31 Ocak 2025 Cuma

"Teach & Release": Impudent Youths Get Extra Homework Instead of Jail, in Trabzon

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 31 January 2025)

         Insult them and they'll pile on the homework!

Teacher G.A., who lives in Trabzon's Ortahisar district, filed a
police complaint about U.Ç. (17) and B.M. (15) who were said
to have insulted the teacher as they passed by.  The teacher's 
complaint was sent to the Trabzon public prosecutor for a 
mediated solution. 

As the result of discussions between the teacher and the youths,
conducted by a mediator, B.M. agreed to participate in 12 hours
of sports training and reading at Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan
Professional and Technical Anatolia High School, whereas U.Ç.
agreed to read a book in one month and send a summary to G.A.
Consequently, the prosecutor dropped the charges against the
two youths. 

30 Ocak 2025 Perşembe

"Scratch & Release": Bacteria From Kitten's Scratch Partially Blinds Man, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 30 January 2025)

                      Cat got his eye, not his tongue.

Last November in the garden of his home in Istanbul's Esenyurt
district, Emir Kurt (27) was scratched by a kitten he was looking
after.  About a month later, Kurt began to lose sight in his right
eye.  Kurt thought nothing of it but two days later he lost all 
sight in his right eye and partial loss of sight in his left eye (!). 

Kurt went to a hospital but doctors there couldn't identify the
cause of the problem, so Kurt was sent to Kanuni Sultan 
Süleyman Training and Research Hospital, where doctors 
discerned that the "bartonella" bacteria from the kitten's scratch
had caused his eyesight problems.  

After two months of treatment, Kurt's left eye has returned to
normal but a 70% loss of eyesight persists in his right eye. 
Eye specialist Dr. Mehmet Erdoğan provided this advice with
regard to the "bartonella" bacteria: "This bacteria can cause an
infection from a cat's bite or scratch, or when it comes in contact
with an open wound.  Thorough cleansing is required after such
an occurrence and a visit to the nearest health provider should
take place within a week to 10 days."

Dr. Erdoğan said that this bacteria is spread from outside cats
but he noted that inside cats coming indoors must be thoroughly
cleaned upon entering the house. 

Suspects in police line-up. 

29 Ocak 2025 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Neighbors Clash - "İmam Bayıldı" (Passed Out); Attacker Released But İmam Stabs Him, in Aksaray

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 29 January 2025)

Good fences make good neighbors. No fences no good.

In Aksaray the night before last at half an hour past midnight,
Muhammed Aygün, the imam at the local mosque, heard his
doorbell ring and opened the door, only to be immediately 
attacked by his downstairs neighbor Mehmet Ceylan (37), who
threw punches at Aygün and tried to strangle him with a wire (!).

Neighbors came to Aygün's rescue and he was taken to a hospital
for treatment, while Ceylan was taken into custody by police. It
turned out that two years ago, when Aygün heard cries of distress
coming from Ceylan's wife he had reprimanded Ceylan.  A few days
ago Ceylan's wife left him, prompting Ceylan to take out his anger
on Aygün.  

If Aygün gets the death penalty his last meal is ready...

In any case, after processing at a police station, Ceylan was 
released (!), but the two neighbors came face to face yesterday
at around eleven-thirty in the morning, with Aygün stabbing
Ceylan in his back, sending Ceylan to the hospital this time. 

Aygün was taken into custody and as he went to the police 
station he told reporters  that  "I was defending myself!  He
was going to kill me!  Like he tried to do last night!  Unless
he dies he'll find a way to kill me!"

28 Ocak 2025 Salı

"Fleece & Release": TV Star Hoodwinked by Water Heater "Repairmen", in Kadıköy

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Sözcü Newspaper, 27 January 2025)

                Script changed without her knowledge.

A "repairman" named Şaban came to the home of  TV star
Pervin Bağdat, who gained fame in the show "Masumlar
Apartımanı", in Kadıköy, Istanbul, supposedly to fix her 
water heater on 31 December.   

Şaban efendi and his sidekick looked at (!) the water heater,
claimed it was an electrical voltage problem and charged 
Pervin hanım 22,000 TL (about $615), pressuring her into 
sending the money to an account right away.   Later, Pervin
hanım tried to cancel her payment but was unable to.

According to a report in Sabah newspaper, Pervin hanım 
then called the repair firm with her complaint, prompting 
Oktay C. and Bayram to arrive at her home to say that her
money would be returned - but it still hasn't been. (!)

Now Pervin hanım has filed a complaint against all four
individuals with the public prosecutor. 

Şaban efendi wanted to emulate his screen hero.

27 Ocak 2025 Pazartesi

"Fleece & Release": Nigerian-Turkish Social Media Scammers' "Love Trap" Technique Falters, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 27 January 2025)

                             Cupid's wings clipped.

In Istanbul a hoodwinking gang made up of Nigerian and 
Turkish men and women laid "love traps" for their victims on
social media, enticing them into dialogues and then pretending
to send the victims packages.  Next, a phony customs official
would call the dupes and intimidate them with tales of tax or
black market issues related to the packages and demand as 
much as 50,000 TL ($1,400) to make the problem go away (!).

A police investigation identified eight suspects, seven of whom
were arrested and another one was caught at Istanbul Airport
trying to flee Turkey.  Raids of the suspects' premises yielded
119,750 in Nigerian money, two gold-colored watches, two
gold-colored necklaces and digital material.  

Nigerian princes, and evidently princesses, good at this stuff.

The gang's leader Yeter Gökdemir controlled all of the gang's
finances.  The hoodwinkers would identify themselves to 
their targets as American soldiers or doctors in order to lure
them into relationships.  With her ill-gotten gains Yeter hanım
opened a nightclub in Istanbul (!), which has now been sealed

Four of the suspects, including Yeter hanım, have been jailed
and the other four have been released on judicial supervision. 

Who's the weaker sex?

26 Ocak 2025 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Amateur Extortionists Caught Quickly, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 26 January 2025)

          "I think this is how it's done..."

In Istanbul three restaurants belonging to the same owner in 
Pendik, Sultanbeyli and Sancaktepe were sprayed with gunfire
on 20-21-22 January.  The assailants called the owner and told
him: "We're punishing you. We want 5 million TL per restaurant,
so 15 million TL total (about $421,000)."

Police reviewed available security camera footage and in 
simultaneous raids they arrested A.E. (21), B.P. (20), K.A.S.
(19), K.G. (15) and H.A. (17).  At the courthouse in Kartal,
police noticed two suspicious individuals lurking about.
They turned out to be Y.E.E. (25), the gang's leader, and M.A.
(25).  The five suspects and Y.E.E. were jailed and M.A. was
released on judicial supervision. 

25 Ocak 2025 Cumartesi

"Sheets & Release": Retired Gymnastics Trainer Tied Bed Sheets Together to Save 11 People During Tragic Fire, in Bolu

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 25 January 2025)

              Well-deserved cup of coffee and handiwork.

Gymnastics trainer Fatih Güller (67) retired after working for 
42 years at Ankara University.  He was invited for a vacation
to the Kartalkaya ski resort in Bolu by his niece Gülşen Doğan
Durdağ, who also went there with her husband and two children
on semester break from school.

They all stayed at the Grand Kartal Hotel, where a tragic fire
erupted on their first night.  Güller, on the hotel's 8th floor,
tied bed sheets together and saved 11 people, including his
niece and her family, who descended on the bed sheet lifeline
to safety, although Gülşen hanım was injured when she fell
because of a tear in one of the sheets (!). 

Güller related what had happened this way: "I was awakened
by the noise and smell.  We heard someone yell 'the hotel's on
fire! Get out!'.   We were in room 1020 on the 10th floor. I
told everyone ''leave all your stuff behind!'.  I was able to grab
my phone and glasses. As we went out into the corridor we
found it was filled with thick smoke.  We descended  a couple
of floors but then the smoke became too thick to proceed."

On the 8th floor, we broke a window and got some air to breathe.
I said to everyone 'bring me blankets and sheets. I'll tie them 
together and that's how we'll descend.'  First we lowered the 
children down and then the women.  I had the end of the bed
sheet rope wrapped around my shoulder because there was no
where to tie it off.  As my niece descended the bed sheet rope 
snapped about three meters from the roof and she broke some
bones in her shoulder and her arm.  Finally, I tied a big knot
on the end of the bed sheet rope and stuck it between the 
window's hinges, lowering myself to safety.  That's how I
recall saving 11 people, who called me later to thank me. 
One of them was Ömer Bey from Trabzon, who called me
'yangındaş' (fellow fire survivor)."

Güller noted that there were no alarms sounding during the
fire: "I don't know whether or not there were fire escape
staircases.  We didn't see anything at all related to "In Case
of Fire...'  Had there been an alarm sounded I'm sure many
people would have been saved.  I didn't do anything heroic.
Lots of others did the same thing."

24 Ocak 2025 Cuma

"Beep & Release": Turk-Greek Couple's Cyprus Holiday "Trunk-ated" at Border

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 24 January 2025)

                 Bilateral relations took a back seat. 

Greek citizen Evgeni Kanellaki crossed over from the Greek 
part of Cyprus to the Turkish side on 11 January to pick up
her Turkish boyfriend Taylan Özgür Özer from Ercan Airport,
after his arrival from Istanbul.  The couple then spent 6 days
in the KKTC (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus), after
which Evgeni hanım wanted to take Taylan bey to the Greek
side of the island last Friday. 

However (!),  since the Cyrpiot Greek government does not
recognize the KKTC, Taylan bey, as a Turkish citizen, could
not enter legally.  This being the case,  Evgeni hanım put 
Taylan bey in the trunk of her car and successfully crossed
through both the KKTC and Greek Cypriot checkpoints to
the south.  

                            "Lemme outta here!"

The couple spent the weekend at Evgeni hanım's home and
then tried to use the same boyfriend-in-the-trunk method to
return to KKTC on Sunday.  At the Metehan border crossing
the car sailed through the Greek Cypriot checkpoint but 
Turkish police, suspicious of Evgeni hanım's demeanor, 
opened the trunk and "voila!" Taylan bey appeared (!).  

The day before yesterday, the couple was charged with
"entering a forbidden military zone" and jailed for a period
not to exceed one month.  

23 Ocak 2025 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Taliban Mentality - "No School for My Sister!"; And Invasion - 37 Afghans Caught Entering Turkey

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 January 2025) 

     "No way my sister's gonna be smarter than me!"

In the Başak neighborhood of Adana's Yüreğir district on 
12 October 2023, Berat Z. stormed the İsmail Sefa Özler
middle school in an attempt to take his sister from the 
school, rather than have her get an education (!).  Berat Z.
was restrained by the school's teachers, whom he attacked,
injuring 5 of them.  Police arrived to take Berat Z. into custody.

The Turkish National Education Ministry's legal branch
joined the suit filed against Berat Z.  The charges against him
related to articles 112, 116, and 265 of the Turkish Penal Law -
"preventing one's right to education"; "violating the sanctity
of a workplace"; and "interfering with the duties of personnel".

On 20 January, Berat Z. was sentenced to 8 years, 6 months, 
and 22 days in prison by an Adana court.  


türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 January 2025)

Sent by the Taliban to keep Turkish girls out of school.

In Osmaniye, police stopped a TIR (tractor-trailer) suspected of
transporting illegal migrants.  Sure enough, 37 Afghans (!) and 2
Pakistanis were in the truck and arrested.  

Drivers Enver A. and Yakup A. were taken into custody and 
subsequently jailed.  Meanwhile, in Van, another 10 illegal
migrants were apprehended in a traffic stop conducted by police

22 Ocak 2025 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": He Confessed Murder on TV Show and Led Police to Second Victim, in Antalya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 January 2025)

                She thought she'd heard it all before!

In Antalya, the family of  courier Ali Diken (32) filed a missing
persons report about him on 20 December 2023.  On 22 January
2024, restaurant worker Zeynel Boyacı (34), participating in a 
TV show (!),  confessed to murdering Diken. 

When Boyacı led police to the vacant lot where he had buried
Diken, he "mentioned" that the body of another person was there, 
too.   The body, wrapped in a blanket, was recovered after four
hours of digging and Boyacı told police it was Zeynep Ece
Aksay (26), the sister of his wife, who went missing on 13 
August 2023.  
Boyacı confessed to both murders and "explained" that he 
strangled Diken because of a money dispute and Diken's
cursing at him. As for Zeynep Ece hanım, Boyacı said that
he beat her to death because she was hooked on drugs and
in a bad relationship.  

The Antalya public prosecutor announced that Boyacı and 
his accomplices İ.B. and M.Ç.K. would be tried in
court in Antalya with a life sentence requested for  Boyacı,
a suitable sentence for İ.B. for helping him, and acquittal
for M.Ç.K. (evidently an innocent bystander).  (!)

21 Ocak 2025 Salı

"Beat & Release": Three Cousins With a Keen Interest in Guns, in Adana

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 21 January 2025)

                                 A family tradition.

In the Gülbahçesi neighborhood of Seyhan district of Adana,
when police got a tip about weapons in an unfinished building
site they conducted a raid and seized an M4 infantry rifle hidden
in a cardboard box, a hand grenade, 35 bullets, two ski masks
and a large amount of surgical gloves (!). 

Recep Ç. (32) came from a nearby house and opened the door
to the construction site, "explaining" that his late uncle
Şehmus K. owned the site.  As the police investigation deepened,
a raid was conducted at the home of Recep bey's cousin Enes Ç.
(20) in the same neighborhood.  When Enes bey saw the police
coming he threw a bag from his home's window to the garden
below, but police grabbed it and found two unlicensed guns inside.

Next, police raided the home of another cousin (!) on a lower floor,
where Y.K. (16) turned over 4 bullets hidden in a chest drawer.
Both Enes Ç and Y.K. were taken into custody. 

At the police station, Recep bey "explained" that "I have no
connection at all to those weapons.  When my uncle died the
building remained half-finished. Maybe the guns were his.
Sometimes drug addicts come so perhaps they left the guns

However (!), Enes bey told police that "I have an interest in
guns and I hide them under my bed.  When I saw the police
I panicked and threw them out the window."  The weapons
were sent to the Adana criminal laboratory for examination
and processing of the suspects is continuing. 

20 Ocak 2025 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": 40 "Botox" Camels Disqualified in Beauty Pageant, in Saudi Arabia

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 20 January 2025)

                                  Have they no shame!

There was a botox scandal at the King Abdülaziz Camel 
Festival in Saudi Arabia at the beginning of this month.
About 40 camels that had botox treatments were disqualified
from the beauty contest (!). 

In addition to the beauty contest, the festival includes camel
races and cultural exhibitions.  Festival organizers condemned
the botox treatments applied to the camels' humps as "a violation
of the basic principles of the festival, which emphasizes  natural
beauty and authenticity." 

Unfortunately, there have been similar botox scandals in previous
festivals  :(

A natural beauty takes first!

19 Ocak 2025 Pazar

"Beat & Release": "Trump" Selling Pudding in Pakistan on Eve of Inauguration (!)

english links to original article

(Reuters, 13 January 2025)

         Will he make it back to Washington in time??!!
SAHIWAL, Pakistan, Jan 14 (Reuters) - In a bustling market in 
Pakistan's eastern Punjab province, a food vendor who locals say
 bears an uncanny resemblance to U.S. President-elect Donald 
Trump gets more business - and attention - than others.

"We feel as if Trump has come here to sell kheer (pudding)," 
said Mohammad Yaseen, a local resident who prefers to buy 
the dessert from Saleem Bagga, the look-alike vendor who also 
sings to draw customers.
Magical MAGA Moment in Sahiwal.

Sahiwal is known as the "Greenland of Pakistan".

18 Ocak 2025 Cumartesi

"Fleece & Release": Men Lured to Liaisons in "Honey Traps" Lost $200,000, in Istanbul and Environs

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 18 January 2025)

                              Reverse-trap "victims".

Women who lured men via social media in Istanbul and nearby
provinces into liaisons took the opportunity to steal the men's
phones and flee.  The women's accomplices waiting at the door
whisked them away and used the phones to enter the "victim's"
bank accounts to steal money. (!)

However (!), when five "victims" complained to police raids
were launched on 14 January simultaneously in 9 provinces.
In the raids 21 suspects were arrested, five of them women. The
suspects had bilked the "victims" out of 7 million TL (about 

17 Ocak 2025 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Bad Whisky Kills at Least 33, Mostly Turkmens and Uzbeks, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 17 January 2025)

           "We only sell it to people we know." (!) 

In Istanbul on 13 January Gültekin Memecan (62), in Bakırköy,
and Turkmenistan citizen Agajan Başımov (34), in Başakşehir,
died because they drank adulterated whisky.  Since 13 January,
the number of dead from bad whisky has risen to 33 and the
number of those poisoned by it has risen to 86 (!).  Out of 48
people in hospitals, three have been administered intubation to
keep them alive., whereas two others fled from hospitals.

Consequently, police have increased inspection of  stores selling
liquor and on 15 January a raid yielded 32,800 liters of bad
whisky, with 9 people taken into custody and six of them 
jailed.  In the police raid, 227 full bottles of bad whisky were
seized, along with one distillation tank.  

Agazhan Ovezov and Amangul Douranova, who sold the bad
whisky to Agajan Başımov on 13 January, were among those
jailed.  In his statement, Ovezov "explained" that "I sell  illegal
vodka I bought from a liquor store in Fatih in my bakery.  Each
week I get 15-20 plastic bottles of the illegal vodka for 80 TL
each and sell them to Turkmens and Uzbeks for 100 TL.  I
myself don't produce illegal whisky.  In the last few days
I got 40 plastic bottles of illegal vodka from them.  I only
sell to people I know." (!)

(Bad) Whisky a-Go-Go, Istanbul

(Good) Whisky a-Go-Go, LA

16 Ocak 2025 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Policeman Kills 5 Family Members to Avenge Son's Suicide, in Adana

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 16 January 2025)

           It's kind of a mess...
           but it'll have to do till the real mess gets here.

In Adana's Yüreğir district, workers from an internet
infrastructure firm knocked on the door of "dolmuş"
(collective taxi) driver Yusuf Tehçi (64) yesterday
morning.  Although they had come based on an
appointment, no one answered the door so the workers
looked around the 2-story house.  Noticing blood stains, the
workers alerted police. 

With assistance from a locksmith, police entered the house
and found the bodies of Yusuf Tehçi, his wife Hüsne Tehçi (61), 
and her sister Semiha Tehçi (53).  All of them had been stabbed
to death during breakfast (!). 

Police began an investigation and went to the home of the
Tehçi couple's married daughter Ferdane Tehçi (37) in Tarsus,
only to find Ferdane hanım also dead by stabbing.  Her son
Ökkeş Berk had committed suicide last year at the age of 16 
and her other two children were not found in the house.  

Ferdane hanım's husband Mehmet Tehçi (43), a policeman (!)
became the chief suspect.  It turned out that he had taken the
other two children with him to Adana and went to find his
brother-in-law İsmail Tehçi, a teacher in Çukurova district.
Mehmet bey summoned İsmail bey from class, took him by
car to a vacant lot and shot him to death in front of the two 

Having already killed 5 relatives, Mehmet bey called his
father Ökkeş Tehçi and told him "you're next!"  However,
noticing police in Ceyhan district, Mehmet bey panicked, 
left the children in the car and fled on foot.  He was 
captured, though, and the two children, aged 4 and 9, were
put in the custody of social services. 

Evidently, Mehmet bey held his family members responsible
for his son's suicide last August and settled scores. 

Axis of Evil

15 Ocak 2025 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Taxi Driver Videos Assault on Woman Passenger to Make His Wife Jealous (!), in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 15 January 2025)

                              He did it all for love.

In Istanbul, police received a tip that on 10 January a taxi 
driver had shared videos of himself on a taxi driver group's
social media site sexually harassing a woman passenger by
either getting her drunk or drugging her.  (!)

As a result, taxi driver Bayram Navruz (28), who has a 
police record of four previous crimes, was arrested in his
mother's home.  In his statement to police, Navruz "explained"
that he and his wife are divorcing and that he met the woman
in the video six months ago.  He said that the videos were
intended to make his wife jealous but that after sending them
to her he was subjected to threats from both her and her

When no videos were found on his phone Navruz was 
released from custody, but after the videos surfaced elsewhere
he was re-arrested and jailed for "importunate behavior and
sexual assault".  

Bayram Navruz, in happier times.