28 Şubat 2025 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Attacked by Butcher Wife and "Karate Kid" Daughter, Man Wants Divorce and Alimony, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 28 February 2025)

       Witchdoctor gave her complexion problems too.

A.K. and K.K. married 22 years ago and had three children
together.  Wife K.K., a butcher (!), had psychological problems
but she resisted taking medicine and when she stopped taking her
pills altogether her psyche went off the rails and she took
out her angst on her children. 

K.K. began seeing a "cinci hoca" (witchdoctor) in the Fatih
district of Istanbul at great expense.  The couple's 4th grade
daughter, in particular, suffered from her mother's poor
treatment and began taking karate classes to beat up her
classmates (!). 

K.K. alleged that husband A.K. was seeing other women
and, convincing her daughter of this, she and the young
girl attacked A.K. with a weight used in the girl's karate
training.  With great difficulty, A.K. escaped from his
familial assailants and spent the night in his wife's butcher

Now the couple is in divorce court and A.K. is demanding
custody of their children, along with 24 million TL (about
$660,000) in compensation and monthly alimony of 50,000 TL 
(about $1,400).  K.K.'s butcher shop does very well (!). 

K.K. and spiritual guide.

27 Şubat 2025 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Better Late Than Never - Police Nab "Underpass Pervert" After Five Years, in Istanbul

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 27 February 2025)

In heated competition with the ...

Police in Istanbul's Ataşehir distrıct have finally nabbed the
pervert who has been sexually harassing women in the
underpass beneath the Tuzcuoğlu Bridge in the Barbaros
neighborhood for the past five years (!).  Musa İlker Yazıcılar
was apprehended in his home in Pendik on 19 February. 

Women warned: "I'd turn back if I were you."

26 Şubat 2025 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Child Reveals Mother's "Accidental" Death Came From Dad's Gun, in Aydın

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 26 February 2025)

                     Out of the mouths of babes...

On 21 December at about 8 o'clock at night near the Selatin Tunnel on 
the Aydın-Izmir highway, a car with plate number 09 EB 225 driven by
Rıdvan Buçan (34) hit a barrier and as a result of the crash Buçan's wife
Derya Buçan (28) died, while their 6-year-old child D.B. was injured. 
After an autopsy was performed, Derya hanım was buried.  Rıdvan 
bey and D.B. were released from the hospital.  

However (!), the Gendarmerie questioned the youngster with the 
assistance of a pedagog and it turned out that prior to the "accident" the 
child's parents argued and the sound of a gunshot was heard, but Rıdvan 
bey assured the child that the sound came from elsewhere.  Then, the 
"accident" occurred.  

The autopsy report was reviewed again and it was determined that 
Derya hanım's cause of death was a gunshot to the head (!).   Rıdvan
bey confessed to the killing and was arrested and jailed on 30 December.

"Beat & Release": Kids Throwing Snowballs at 2 A.M. - "Victim" Pulls a Gun on Them, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 25 February 2025)

            A snowball ambush at 2 in the morning - 
                            what would you do?!

In Eyüpsultan district of Istanbul at about 2 o'clock in the
morning on 22 February, children were throwing snowballs
at passing cars.  One driver, H.I. (44), took exception to the
barrage and pursued the children into an apartment building
lobby, threatening them with his unlicensed revolver (!). 

A related complaint brought police to the scene and they
reviewed security camera footage that showed H.I. brandishing
the gun at the kids.  He was arrested and jailed. 

25 Şubat 2025 Salı

"Snow Bride" Kidnapped!, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Sözcü Newspaper, 24 February 2025)

They look so happy...but it wouldn't have lasted anyway.

In the Avcılar district of Istanbul, hairdresser Bekir Gök made
a "snow bride" instead of a snowman and this attracted quite
a bit of attention, including from thieves, who stole the
bride's head and hair during the night.  The "bridenapping" 
was recorded on a security camera. 

24 Şubat 2025 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Obsessed Man Pierces Ceiling in Pursuit of Unrequited Love, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 February 2025)

"Ain't no ceiling high enough that can keep me from
gettin' to you!"

In Istanbul's Ümraniye district two female students, one
Palestinian and the other Algerian, living as renters on the
3rd floor of a 3-story building, were joined by the Palestinian
student's mother.  

However (!), the mother was the object of one H.S.'s obsession.
H.S. first hid in the roof of the building and on 20 February he
punched a hole in the ceiling of the students' flat, dropped down
into the flat and cut off the electricity.  He then waited for the
women to come and when they did he attacked them with a 

The women were taken to a hospital for treatment and are said
to be in good condition. Police tracked down H.S. and took him
into custody in Gaziosmanpaşa district of the city.  

Landlord Cengiz Yaşar noted that "I have two renters, the two
students.  One of their mothers came later to stay as a guest.
But there was this guy who was obsessed with the mother. It's
quite a sordid story.  The students have been living here since
then signed the contract last August and behaved very well,
going back and forth to school.  Then this guy shows up to
create turmoil!"

Obsession Avenue

23 Şubat 2025 Pazar

"Beat & Release": DNA Reveals Dentist Fathered Partner's Two Kids, in Izmir

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 February 2025)

              Famous for his extracurricular drilling. 

The evening before last at about 1700 in Izmir's Alsancak 
district, dentist Mehmet Emrah Düşmez (49) received an
unexpected visit to his home by M.E. (34).  Because of 
a previous problem between the two an argument erupted
and M.E. shot Düşmez in the head.  To top it off, M.E.
grabbed Düşmez's telephone and sent a picture of the 
bloodied Düşmez to his mother, who called police in a

Düşmez was taken to a hospital, where his condition
remains serious.  Police tracked down and apprehended
M.E. in the Basmane neighborhood of the city.  In his
statement to police, M.E. said that he and Düşmez had
been business partners 10 years ago, selling dental
equipment and renting cars, but Düşmez subsequently
defrauded him. 

Adding insult to injury, M.E. related that two years ago 
he learned that Düşmez and his wife were having an affair 
so he divorced her.  However, four months ago, based on
his suspicions, M.E. had DNA testing done concerning
his two children, ages 9 and 7.  The test results proved
that the children's biological father is Düşmez (!). 

M.E. told police that "When I learned this I shot
Düşmez and I couldn't restain myself from sending 
the picture to his mother."

"...and then there's the  requisite follow-up drilling."

22 Şubat 2025 Cumartesi

"Snow & (No) Release": Governor Pelted With Students' Snowballs After Refusing Another "Snow Day", in Erzurum

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 February 2025) 

Another "Snow Day"?  Not a snowball's chance in hell!

Schools in Erzurum were closed on 20 February because of 
snow and students sent messages via social media urging 
Governor Hamza Aydoğdu to cancel school on 21 February,
too.  However (!), Aydoğdu opined that the snow's effect
had lessened so the students had to attend school on the 21st.

When Aydoğdu visited the Cumhuriyet Middle School on the
morning of the 21st he was confronted by students who had
reluctantly come to school.  When he told them "The weather
is great, forget about getting another 'snow day'.  Get into 
class, warm up and study!" 

Hearing this, the students pelted Aydoğdu with snowballs and
the Governor responded in kind, cheerfully telling the students
"Enough already! Go to class!"

21 Şubat 2025 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Vehicular Homicide Fueled by "Rakı", in Adana

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 21 February 2025) 

Social media posting addiction as bad as his "rakı" fetish.

In Adana's Seyran district on 18 February at about nine-thirty
at night, a light commercial vehicle with plate number 01 AVE
828, driven by Şükrü D. (22), tried to pass a car on the right 
side and hit a motorcycle ridden by Aydın Uslu (52) proceeding
in the right lane.  Şükrü D. then plowed into a light pole. 

Uslu died and Şükrü D. fled the scene, but he was nabbed by 
police in a flat where he was hiding out.  Police found a photo
on Şükrü D.'s social media page showing him drinking "rakı"
at a restaurant table prior to the crash. (!)  Şükrü D. was jailed.

20 Şubat 2025 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": May-December Romance Ends With Blackmail, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 20 February 2025)

                          Her "uncle" said "uncle". 

In Istanbul, businessman M.Ş. (65) wanted his former girlfriend
M.K. (30) to return his car after their 6-year relationship ended.  
M.K. didn't want to give the car back but agreed to meet with 
M.Ş. at a café. 

However (!), M.K. brought three others with her to the meeting
with M.Ş. and one of them, nicknamed "uncle", told M.Ş. "We're
penalizing you 25 million TL (about $690,000 !) and we'll keep
the car."  

(Understandably) M.Ş. let M.K. keep the car and he cut off all
contact with her.  The gang, though, relentlessly threatened M.Ş.
about the 25 million TL "penalty" and prepared to post some
"inappropriate" videos of him that M.K. had recorded.  When
M.Ş. did not respond to the threats his house was sprayed with
bullets on 1 February. 

At this point, M.Ş went to the police, who identified the three
gang members and the car used in the attack on M.Ş.'s home.
Simıltaneous police raids at 20 addresses in 10 districts resulted
in 14 individuals being taken into custody.  M.K. was also 
apprehended for instigating the whole mess.  Ultimately,
10 suspects were jailed, including M.K. 

M.K. would've been the perfect femme fatale for the sequel.

19 Şubat 2025 Çarşamba

"Beat & Inherit": He Murdered His Sister But Gets Late Mother's Home, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 19 February 2025)

New homeowner will have rent-free jail cell as primary

Can Canıtez (64), living in Istanbul's Beyoğlu district, jumped
from his third-story balcony on 5 September 2023 and was
seriously injured.  While he was taken to a hospital, police
had a locksmith open Canıtez's home, where they found his
sister Rabia Gül Arı in a pool of blood in the kitchen.  Canıtez
had stabbed his sister 39 times (!). 

As Canıtez's trial continued, he applied to the court in connection
with the estate of his dead mother Esin Canıtez, who passed away
on 2 May 2023.  Canıtez claimed that his mother left him her
Beyoğlu home in her will.  His sister Ayşe Naz Şer, who lives in 
Canada, objected but the court ruled in favor of (murderer) 
Canıtez (!). 

17 Şubat 2025 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Two Sisters and an "Accident" Waiting to Happen to One's Husband, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 17 February 2025)

       Faruk bey didn't have a chance against the sisters.

Çiğdem B. recently came to Istanbul's Sultangazi district from 
Şanlıurfa to visit her sister.  Since her husband died 3 years ago
Çiğdem has carried a gun in her purse everywhere she goes.
While sitting at a table having dinner with her sister Pınar
Kalburcu and brother-in-law Faruk Kalburcu (46), Çiğdem 
hanım took the gun out of her purse and it went off. (!)

Faruk bey was hit in the back by the bullet and died at a 
hospital.  The sisters were questioned at the police station
and the fact that Faruk bey had been shot in the back, along
with scratches on his face (!), led police to conclude that the
sisters had planned the murder.  Faruk bey's father İsa Bağdatlı
agreed with this suspicion, saying "the two sisters are claiming
it was an accident to save themselves!"  

Faruk bey's body was taken to his hometown of Gaziantep
for burial. 

16 Şubat 2025 Pazar

"Return & Release": Footprints-to-Feet Match Ensures Return of Roman Emperor's Statue to Turkey from Cleveland Art Museum

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 16 February 2025)

           Feet are fine. Now, how about his head??!!

The bronze statue of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, taken
from the Boubon Antique City in Burdur 65 years ago,  will be
coming back to Turkey, based on a thorough investigation by
Turkish experts and  cooperation  from U.S. law enforcement 
authorities.  The Cleveland Art Museum has agreed to return the 
statue to Turkey.

The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism, citing  research
by a group of experts headed by Prof. Dr. Jale İnan, teamed up
with the office of the U.S. Attorney in Manhattan and the FBI
in 2021 to have statues of Lucius Verus, Septimius Severus and 
Emperor Caracalla, all from Boubon, returned to Turkey. 

However (!), the Cleveland Art Museum resisted returning the
statue of Marcus Aurelius, filing a petition in court in October
2023.   But the strong proof and meticulous research submitted
by Turkey carried the day in court - in particular, the footprints
of the statue at Boubon, molded in silicon in May 2024 , matched
the feet of the statue perfectly.  The Cleveland Art Museum 
acceded to this proof and the Manhattan U.S. Attorney's office
informed the Ministry of the decision to return the statue to


15 Şubat 2025 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Screwball With a Screwdriver Stabbed Wife and Planned to Kill 4 More Relatives, in Kütahya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 15 February 2025)

                                    Now he's screwed.

In the Alipaşa neighborhood of Kütahya last Wednesday 
evening, Yavuz Günaydın (45) and his wife G.G. (46)
argued in their home on Beyzade Street.  Yavuz bey then
stabbed his wife 18 times with a screwdriver. (!). Neighbors
intervened and G.G. hanım was taken to Kütahya City
Hospital for treatment. 

Yavuz bey, who suffers from schizophrenia, fled to the
forest and hid there for a while, after which he went into
the town and was apprehended by police on Devlet Hatun
Boulevard.  In his statement to police Yavuz bey said that
he planned to kill 4 other relatives (!) had he not been 
captured. He was charged with "intentional wounding" and

14 Şubat 2025 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Chauffeur Kills Boss in Adana and Flees to Istanbul Atop a Tow Truck

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 14 February 2025)

                    The "eagle" has landed in Tuzla. 

On 6 February at about 8 o'clock at night in Adana's Seyhan
district, businessman Saltık Buğra Keçebaş (45) was shot
dead in the underground parking lot of his apartment house.
The murder suspect had come by motorcycle and fired 6
shots at Keçebaş, hitting him in the head and chest. 

Police reviewed security camera footage and went to the
suspect's home in Çukurova district, where they found his
motorcycle helmet.  It turned out that the suspect was 
Mehmet Ali Kartal (34 and whose surname means "eagle"),
Keçebaş's chauffeur (!). 

After the murder, Kartal went by car via the TAG (Tarsus-
Adana-Gaziantep) highway and at a certain point had his
car loaded onto a tow truck.  Kartal lay in the back seat of
his car, resting atop the tow truck, all the way to Istanbul's
Tuzla district, where he alighted from the tow truck and
boarded a waiting car that took him to Bağcılar district.

Adana police came to Istanbul and captured Kartal at a
house in Bağcılar.  In his statement, Kartal "explained"
that "Keçebaş owed me money but instead of repaying
me he cursed me, so I went and killed him. I'm very
regretful." (!)  Kartal was jailed. 

"Eagle"'s winter migration route.

13 Şubat 2025 Perşembe

"Split & Release": Turks and Arabs Being Split Apart by Nature

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 13 February 2025)

                       Parting is such sweet sorrow...

An international team of researchers from Göttingen University
in Germany has announced that  they have determined that  
there is a 1,500-kilometer split in the Earth stretching from 
Turkey's southeast to northwestern Iran.  The split is under the 
Zagros Mountains on the ancient sea floor of the Tethys Ocean
that once separated the Arab and Eurasian continents. 

The team's article was published in the academic journal 
"Solid Earth" and carried the warning that this geologic split
could have serious consequences for the region.  

Dr. Renas Koshnaw of Göttingen's Geology and Geometeric
Department stated that "This split is pulling the region to the
south."  Today's remaining parts of the Tethys Ocean are the
Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas.  The Zagros Mountain
chain, which is thought to have been created by the crash of
the Africa, Arab and Indian plates into the Eurasian plate, is
being pulled south and this may expose new mining sites
among other significant geologic events.  

Dr. Koshnaw added that "This research adds to our knowledge
about the movements of the Earth's crust and may lead to the
discovery of new precious metals beds, along with geothermal
energy possibilities.  Also, we are learning more about 
earthquake risks, too."

"Gulf of Mexico" on the left should, of course, henceforth
be referred to as "Gulf of America" (!). 

12 Şubat 2025 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Driver From Sinop Refuses Breath-o-meter Test and Walks Away, in Bursa

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 12 February 2025)

Şuayip bey walking away under the influence of alcohol.

In Bursa, police had a suspicion about the driver of a car with
license plate 57 AC 414 (57 - registered in Sinop province) so
they pulled him over. Sure enough, driver Şuayip G. (48) 
admitted that he was driving under the influence of alcohol.

However (!), Şuayip bey refused to take the breath-o-meter 
test so he was fined 26,550 TL (about $736) and his license
was suspended for two years.  In response, Şuayip bey took
his suitcase out of the car's trunk and walked away (!). His
car was towed away and impounded. 

11 Şubat 2025 Salı

"Fleece & Release": Greek Church Singer's Salary Increase Demand Sparks Parishioner Boycott, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 11 February 2025) 


Masses at the Aya Yorgi Church in Istanbul's Bakırköy district
have been put on hold, based on an announcement made by
Derkon Metropoliti (Greek Bishop) Apostol Danilidis.  The
church's parishioners are refusing to pay for an increase in 
mass singer Statoula Zafiridis's monthly salary.  (!)

After hearing of the additional 10,000 TL (about $277) increase 
demanded by Statoula Zafiridis, who currently gets a monthly 
"mass fee" of 71,750 TL (about $2020) (!), parishioners rebelled 
and last Sunday's mass was canceled. 

The parisioners' boycott was evidently sparked, in part, by 
the fact that Statoula Zafridis is the wife of Daniil Zafridis, who
assists Derkon Metropoliti Apostolos during masses. 

You get what you pay for...

10 Şubat 2025 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Camel Wrestling Festival Postponed After Camel Owner is Shot Dead, in Ezine

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 10 February 2025)

                        They'd walk a mile for a camel.

In Çanakkale province's Ezine district, Kerim Özdemir (31) 
took part in a dinner the night before last related to the
Yahya Çavuş Camel Wrestling Festival (!), that was supposed 
to begin yesterday.  During the dinner, Özdemir stepped outside 
to take a phone call and got into an argument with Yalçın Can
(25, a camel driver from Ayvacık. 

         Contestants glad to hear about postponement. 

The two had previously been involved in a camel sale
dispute.  As their argument turned into a fight, Can shot
Özdemir to death and fled.  Can was later apprehended
by the Gendarmerie.  

The incident has caused the festival to be postponed. 

9 Şubat 2025 Pazar

"Evict & Release": Trump's "Gaza-cum-Riviera" Plan Ready; Occupants' Exit Points Ready Too (!)

türkçe links to the original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 9 February 2025) 

    Prof. Pelzman's real estate hobby: "I like to tinker."

Regarding U.S. President Donald Trump's plan to take over 
the Gaza Strip and make it the "Riviera of the Middle East",
last July Prof. Joseph Pelzman, of George Washington 
University (Washington DC)'s chief of Middle East and North 
Africa Economic Affairs department, submitted the "Riviera" 
conversion/development plan to Trump's team, according to
the Times of Israel newspaper. 

                      The remains of "Tinkertown".

Pelzman estimated that it will cost between $1 and 2 trillion
to complete the project over 5-10 years.  Meanwhile, Israel's
Defense Minister Yisrael Katz has ordered the Israeli Army
to determine "exit points" for Palestinians in Gaza, after 
which they will be taken by buses to Ramon Airport in the
south of Israil or to the port of Ashdod on the Mediterranean

8 Şubat 2025 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Partner Has "Lion" Slain, in Ümraniye

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 8 February 2025)

                                    Lion becomes prey.

At the Ümraniye, Istanbul, auto repair site on 22 January police 
found an abandoned car with its doors left open.  From video 
footage police saw that a man had left the car, waited at a bus 
stop and got picked up by the driver of a red vehicle that then 
headed toward Kocaeli. 

Police were able to track the red car to Başiskele in Kocaeli
and determined that the car's owner was Serdar Arslan (41 and
whose surname means "lion").  His girlfriend G.K. had filed a 
missing person report about Aslan.  The driver of the red car was 
not Arslan but Habil Öztürk, Arslan's business partner.

It turned out that Öztürk had his brother Mahsun Öztürk kill
Arslan and Mahsun bey later confessed to the murder.  Earlier
Habil bey had met at a café with Sevban Topal and told Topal
that Arslan was having an affair with his wife.  Habil bey was
trying to incite Topal to murder Arslan but when Topal refused
Mahsun bey was recruited.

In any event, Habil bey and Topal buried Arslan in the garden
of a rural house, spreading lime around. The Öztürk brothers
and Topal were arrested on 4 February and taken to the 
Kocaeli courthouse. 

7 Şubat 2025 Cuma

"Sing & Release": Greek Singer's "Eurovision" Song Sparks Greek-Turkish Tensions

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 7 February 2025)

                           TRT scrubbing her lyrics.

Turkish Radio & Television (TRT) has announced that it will
"investigate" whether or not the lyrics of the song that Greece's
representative to the upcoming "Eurovision Song Contest" will
sing there contain references to the "Pontus Greek Genocide" of 
100+ years ago.  TRT's announcement has set off a crisis in 
Athens (!). 

Klavdia Papadopolulu, the singer, said this in an interview she 
gave to the Greek state TV network ERT : "I come from a family
with roots among the Pontus Greeks.  My grandmother used to
tell us about how our family was uprooted and forced to migrate
to the Soviet Union.  My parents came to Greece in 1991.  This
song tells of uprooting and forced migration."  

The singer, though, did not make any explicit references to the
claims of a "Pontus Greek Genocide" in the interview.  The title
of the song she will sing at Eurovision, which will be held this
year in Basel, Switzerland, is "Asteromata", which means 
"Stary Eyed".  The word "Asteromata" is not in use anymore
but prior to the Turkish War of Independence it was used among
the Greeks in the Izmir region to refer to "women with beautiful
eyes that radiate light."

Map of the imagined Black Sea Pontus Republic.

6 Şubat 2025 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Two Women Defend Their Honor (!), in Istanbul and Milas

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 6 February 2025)

 Serhat Ö. after and while defending Mehtap hanım's honor. 

In Istanbul's Ümraniye district, Mehtap Y. found out that her
husband was having an affair so she made a deal with Serhat Ö.
to torture both the husband and the femme fatale (!).  Serhat
bey and his gang on 5 December 2024 kidnapped the foreign
temptress and two men and subjected them to beatings and 
sexual harassment types of torture at the massage salon they
own, recording it all on a telephone. 

The above incident came to light after Serhat bey was arrested
for spraying bullets on workplaces in Ümraniye on 24 and 25
December and in Sancaktepe on 3 January, evidently for 
extortion purposes. 

When police examined Serhat bey's telephone they found the
video showing the torture inflicted on  the two male business 
partners and the foreign woman having an affair with one of 
them.  As the result of the subsequent investigation, 10 suspects 
were taken into custody including Mehtap Y. and her daughter
Defne Y.   Ultimately, 11 suspects were jailed. 


türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 6 February 2025)

Beyza Ö. (no relation to Serhat Ö. one assumes) on honor run.

In Milas district of Muğla province on 2 February, passers-by
saw a man bathed in blood sitting on a chair.  Police and medics
arrived at the scene and determined that the man died from 
stab wounds to his neck and chest.  The deceased was identified
as Halil İbrahim Mercan (48).

It turned out that Mercan had stumbled out of a nearby nightclub
at 2 o'clock in the morning and sat down on the chair.  Video 
obtained by police showed that Mercan had been killed by 
17-year-old teenager Beyza Ö. at about 4 o'clock.  When 
apprehended, Beyza hamım "explained" that Mercan had verbally
harassed her so (of course) she stabbed him to death.