18 Nisan 2023 Salı

"Beat & Release": Deviant's Bad Behavior "Escalated" at Ankara Shopping Center

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 18 April 2023) 

         He only ever takes the "up" escalator. Hmmmmm. 

Mustafa K. (30) was caught taking obscene photographs of lawyer 
Ş.M.E. (26) with his cellphone on an escalator in a shopping center in 
Çankaya, Ankara, last year. (!)  Mustafa K. was taken into custody but
released and ordered not to leave his home.  His phone was seized, as

A police examination of Mustafa K.'s cellphone revealed hundreds of
such obscene photos taken of women on escalators and child pornography,
too, for which the prosecutor asked for a 15-year sentence.  As for the
case involving him and Ş.M.E., it was sent to a mediator but the parties
could not reach an agreement so Mustafa K. was charged with "violating
an individual's right to privacy", which calls for a sentence of up to 4.5
years in jail.  

Mustafa K. admitted his crimes in court, saying "I took the pictures 
that were seized from my cellphone.  I beg forgiveness from those who
have complained."  The case has been postponed until some shortfalls
have been addressed.

As for Ş.M.E., she explained that "on the escalator, I felt something cold
on my leg, so I realized what was happening.  Anymore I stand backwards 
on escalators and I'm always in a panic about people taking pictures, 
thinking they're taking them of me.  When I tell others about the incident 
they say 'what were you wearing?', as if to blame me for the incident!  
If we can't walk freely must we stay home all the time?"

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