16 Eylül 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Naked Professor Found Dead in a Barrel at a Dump; Son Suspected, in Mersin

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 16 September 2024)

                    Professor and final resting place.

The naked body of Prof. Dr. Selahattin Doludeniz, formerly an 
academician at Selçuklu University in Mersin, was found in a barrel 
at a garbage dump with his hands and feet bound (!).  

Municipal workers who went to the dump in Ustalar village in Mersin's
Bozyazı district early in the morning to deposit trash, found the body 
inside a plastic barrel.  Gendarmerie, police and medics arrived at the 
scene and, after investigations, it was determined that the deceased was 
Doludeniz, who lived with his son in İskele village in Anamur district.  
The son O.D. gave conflicting statements and was taken into custody. 

In his first statement to police, O.D. "explained" that he and his father
were cross with each other so O.D. left the house for a while, but upon
his return he found his father dead so he (quite naturally!) put his body 
in a barrel and took it by taxi to the dump in Bozyazı.  

Complexion problems may have affected O.D.'s moods.

No marks of violence were found on Doludeniz's body so efforts are
underway at the forensics lab to determine the cause of death. 

Anamur and Bozyazı at lower left on map.

15 Eylül 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Uzbek Caretaker Stabbed to Death by Jealous, but Forgetful, Boyfriend, in Istanbul

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 15 September 2024)

       "I might have done it...can't quite remember."

Last night at about nine-thirty police received a report of screams 
coming from a villa on Gürpınar Avenue in the Pınar neighborhood of
Büyükçekmece, Istanbul.  When police arrived at the scene they found
Uzbek citizen Zebiniso Dayıyavora (49) and the two elderly people she 
was caring for, M.Ö. and T.Ö., seriously injured from stab wounds.  
Zebiniso hanım died at a hospital and the two others remain in intensive 
care there. 

Police nabbed Zebiniso hanım's boyfriend Musa G. (54), who was
hiding out in a house in nearbt Küçükçekmece.  In his statement to 
police, Musa G. "explained" that he thought that Zebiniso hanım was 
cheating on him so he went to the villa to talk to her about this. 
A fight erupted between the two and "I don't remember what 
happened after that." (!) 

14 Eylül 2024 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Worker Falls, Boss Worries About Insurance Coverage Versus Calling an Ambulance, in Ankara

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 14 September 2024)


                             Death by paperwork.

On 19 August, at a pastry shop in Ankara's Yenimahalle district, pastry
chef İsmail Can Seçkin (26) fell from a 4-meter high staircase with a 
"baklava" cart and was seriously injured.  He stayed in Bilkent City
Hospital's intensive care unit for 22 days before passing away.  

The claim has been made that after the accident, insurance actions were
prioritized by the shop owner, such that a call for an ambulance was 
delayed.  A record in Seçkin's "e-devlet" (Turkey's citizen data base) file 
shows that an insurance "entry" was registered on 19 August.  The 
"e-devlet" records also reflected that in a two-year period Seçkin's 
insurance "exit" occurred, the last time being in March 2024.

Seçkin's older brother Halil İbrahim Seçkin (29) claimed that his brother's
insurance "entry" occurred right after the accident. He stated that "After
he fell, the boss had the accountant find a computer so the 'entry' could
be made into the records.  Much time was wasted. Rather than worry 
about insurance, if they had called an ambulance right away my brother
might be alive today.  It's almost akin to attempted murder.  I want those
responsible to be held accountable and punished.  It's unknown whether
or not my brother fell or did not fall. There are no camera records and
the failure to have camera coverage in a workplace is yet another matter
of irresponsibility.  And there were no banisters on that staircase, yet
another matter of safety neglect. Then there's the issue of the delay in
calling the ambulance.  For an employee that had given 8 years of 
service this is intolerable."

The shop owner asserted that was just a fall from a staircase and that
there was no delay in getting Seçkin to the hospital. 

13 Eylül 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Police Crack TV-worthy Murder Case, in Konya Ereğli

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 13 September 2024)

           Fahri bey points to the still-wet tears he shed.

Murat Açkan (61) left his family in Adana and went to the farm where
his niece Z.D. (48) lived with her husband Fahri Demirdüzen (51) in 
Konya Ereğli on 20 March.  Once there, Murat bey criticized Fahri bey's 
farming, saying things like "Why don't you clean up the weeds alongside 
the fields? The irrigation pipes are out in the open. You're continuously 
pestering me to send you money.  What are we paying you to do here?!"

Fahri bey and Murat bey then engaged in a shoving match, during 
which Fahri bey grabbed a gun from Murat bey's waist and shot his
wife's uncle full of holes.  To hide the body, Fahri bey dug a hole with
the farm's back-hoe 3 meters deep, wrapped Murat bey's body in 
naylon and bound his feet, waist and head with rope.  Fahri bey 
cried a bit (!) before throwing the body in the hole and filling it with

Next, Fahri bey went to Adana with Murat bey's cellphone so a
signal would be registered there.  He then closed the phone and 
threw it in the irrigation canal on Mavi Boulevard in Seyhan 
district.  Fahri bey returned to Konya Ereğli and on 23 March he
took his wife Z.D. to visit his mother-in-law Rahme A. in Adana,
where Fahri bey "explained" that "Uncle said to me 'I'll leave my
car here.  I want to go to Mecca for "umre" ((religious pilgrimage)).
Take me to Adana. After I pass "Kurban Bayramı" ((feast of the
sacrifice)) there ((Mecca)) I'll come back.  While I'm there I won't
have time for phone calls.  Give the keys to my niece and have her
keep an eye on the house.'  So, I took him to Adana.  He had a 
suitcase with him."

Murat bey, in happier times. He took pride in never 
having been a back-seat driver.

However (!), after three months passed and most of those who had
gone to Mecca had returned, Murat bey's kin filed a missing persons 
report with the police on 28 June.  An investigation was started and
police quickly learned that there was no record of Murat bey having 
left the country.  Additionally, police looked at video images from
the highway and saw that Fahri bey was alone in the car on the
day he said he took Murat bey to Adana.  Queried about this
inconsistency, Fahri bey told police that "Uncle was sitting in the
back seat." (!) 

Murat bey's relatives, though, asserted that he would never get
into a car he wasn't driving himself, nor would he ever sit in the
back seat.  Murat bey rarely used his cellphone, yet the day before
the incident a long conversation was registered on his phone.  

At this point, Fahri bey was cornered and confessed, "explaining"
that after Murat bey had a kidney transplant operation he became
very aggressive.  He added that "Uncle bought that farm and gave
it to me to run.  On the day of the incident, he came and criticized
me badly about it.  He also cursed my wife and children. We got
into a tussle and he took out his gun.  I grabbed it from him and shot
him with all the bullets before he could do the same to me. Then
I cried (!) as I waited till dark to dig the pit for his body and threw
his body into it.  I paid his bills to make it look like he was still
living.  I didn't confess up to now because I was going to commit
suicide, but just couldn't do it.  I regret the whole thing."

After the interrogation, Fahri bey was jailed.  Murat bey's body
was recovered from the pit and, after an autopsy conducted by the
Konya forensic lab, the body was turned over to his relatives, who
buried him in Kabasakal Cemetery in Adana. 

12 Eylül 2024 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": He Asked for a Glass of Water - They Beat Him to Death, in Kahramanmaraş

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 12 September 2024)

                    Don't get thirsty in Kahramanmaraş.

On 6 September in Kahramanmaraş, butcher Mesut Kazancı (29) asked 
for a drink of water as he passed a factory in the light industry center.
The workers pointed to a water hose but Kazancı said "Don't you have 
a glass?".  An argument ensued (!),  prompting workers Ahmet I. and 
Erman N. to beat Kazancı with bats.  Kazancı tried to fight back with 
the hose in his hand but succumbed to the blows and fell to the ground.

The incident was captured on a cellphone camera, as the two workers
continued to beat Kazancı while he was lying on the ground.  Others
pleaded with them to stop the beating but Ahmet I. would not be 
deterred.  Kazancı, the father of a 2-month-old daughter, died at a
hospital.  Ahmet I. and Erman N. fled the scene but were apprehended
by police outside the city and then jailed. 

Kazancı's mother Gül Kazancı said she was unable to watch the video
of her son's beating, lamenting "A two-month-old baby is now 
fatherless.  They beat him viciously.  As a mother, I couldn't watch.
Could any mother or father bear to watch such a thing?!  They killed
my son in a monstrous way for a glass of water!!  Can we call them
human beings?!  I want justice!"

11 Eylül 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Kickboxing No Match for a Bullet, in Istanbul

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 11 September 2024)

Kickboxers have quick reactions but bullets are quicker.

National kickboxer and trainer Caner Tikicieri came to an agreement
with Halil G. about a car he wanted to buy and Caner bey paid a portion
of the cost.  However (!), a dispute arose over the remaining 250,000 TL
(about $7,300) so the parties agreed on a time and place to sort it out. 

At 11 pm on the night of 3 September, all concerned met in the Aşık
Veysel neighborhood of Ataşehir in Istanbul.  Caner bey and Halil bey
came accompanied by friends. Unfortunately (!), the meeting turned 
ugly and guns were drawn, at which time Halil bey shot Caner bey in
the head.  Caner bey's friend Buğra Ş. then shot Halil bey, but the bullet
skimmed his head and landed in his left leg, lightly wounding him. 
Caner bey was taken to a hospital but all efforts to save him failed. 

In his statement to police, Halil bey "explained" that "I didn't kill him.
I sold him a car and there was an amount outstanding so we argued
about that.  His friend Buğra fired at me but the bullet hit Caner by
mistake.  I didn't use a gun during the altercation."  

However (!), a witness told police that Halil bey fired at Caner bey,
after which Buğra bey shot Halil bey, who was taken into custody
along with Muhammed Y.G. (19), who has a police record of 2 crimes,
and Kadir G. (19), who has a police record of 3 crimes.  All three of 
them were jailed. 

Turkish sequel on hold.

10 Eylül 2024 Salı

""Mystery & Release": Acar's Ghost Haunts Ship - or Was He Ever on It?

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 10 August 2024)

                              The plot sickens...

On 7 September 2022,  it was determined that Yiğit Acar (26), the 4th
machinist on the Liberian-flagged general cargo vessel "Dema M", 
which left the port of Suez in Egypt, destined for Porto, Portugal, was
not onboard the ship.  

As the vessel went through the Suez Canal and out into the open waters
of the Mediterranean Sea, searches by the crew failed to turn up Acar.
Search and rescue operations were commenced by the Turkish Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure,
but to no avail. 

The ship entered Turkish waters and the Tekirdağ public prosecutor took
samples from the cabin where Acar was (supposedly) staying but sample
taken by swipes off the bed were inconclusive with regard to Acar's DNA.

Acar's mother Arzu Acar wondered "Was my son really on the ship? Did
he board it?  We've heard nothing for 2 years.  They tell us there's no 
DNA.  Yet, the first captain told us that 'We locked his cabin because of
a judicial incident.'  Well, if the cabin was locked how is it that the police
didn't find any of his DNA, which doesn't break up for 8 or 9 months. 
Did my son ever stay in that cabin? Did he even board that ship? I'm
suspicious of everyone and everything."

8 Eylül 2024 Pazar

"Rape & Release": Deviant "Paşa" Caught on Camera Raping Golden Retriever "Alice", in Florya, Istanbul

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 8 September 2024)

                     Paşa's harem a bit too diverse.

On 4 June in the Florya section of Bakırköy, Istanbul, a citizen went to
the Şenlikköy police station to report having seen a naked man in a
dilapidated building dragging a golden retriever dog.  The citizen
told police he said to the naked man "Are you raping that dog?!", to
which the man replied "What's it to you!".  The citizen recorded this
exchange on his cellphone. 

The naked man put his pants back on and fled into a wooded area.
The video quickly spread on social media and police took suspect
Paşa Türk (!) into custody.  Police determined that Türk (61) works
as a watchman at a construction site in Küçükçekmece.  

In his statement to police Türk "explained" that he was using the dog 
to help him guard the construction site, but the dog somehow
disappeared.  Then, on the date of the incident, Türk went for a walk
in the wooded area in Florya and "coincidentally" encountered the dog.  
Türk asserted that the man in the video wasn't himself and that he had 
not raped the animal. 

However (!), a woman named Özlem Sönmez filed a police complaint
about Türk, saying that in 2020 the dog, named "Alice", was pregnant
and had been abandoned to the street by its owner.  Özlem hanım said
she began to look after "Alice" but that Türk had taken the dog and 
"exploited" it in recent years, although he hadn't been caught. 

Türk was jailed on 6 June and a veterinarian's report confirmed that 
"Alice" had been raped (!).  The public prosecutor has requested that
Türk be tried for "animal rape", which calls for a jail sentence of from
6 months to 3 years. 

6 Eylül 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Parent Company Strips Shop of Naming Rights After Bizarre Incident, in Pendik

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 6 September 2024)


       This time, there was such a thing as bad publicity. 

Last Tuesday in Istanbul's Pendik district, motorcycle courier İ.D.
sexually harassed a woman to whom he brought a food order from
the pastry shop Sarıyer Börekçisi.  The woman related the incident
to her husband U.B., who then went to the pastry shop and attacked
the personnel there. 

U.B. was beaten by the shop's personnel, among whom was manager
Ö.D.  Taking a bread knife from the shop, Ö.D. went after U.B. and
his wife.  The woman screamed "Do you know that your worker
sent me a phone message?!", which only served to enrage Ö.D. that
much more and he said in response "I'll cut you to shreds!".  With
that, Ö.D. stabbed U.B. 

Police arrived and took 3 people into custody, but after questioning
them they were released (!).  Images of the incident circulated
on social media, prompting furious citizens to stone the shop's windows
last night.  In response to this tumult, the Pendik municipality put a 
seal on the shop.

The uproar resulted in İ.D. and Ö.D. being taken into custody again (!)
and both of them were jailed.  In addition, the parent company of 
Sarıyer Börekçisi revoked the right of the shop to use its name. 

5 Eylül 2024 Perşembe

"Fleece & Release": Elderly Couple Duped by Fake Police in Phone Scam, in Küçükçekmece

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 5 August 2024)

Memorize the English phrase "I don't speak Turkish", so 
the bad guys will go elsewhere. 

A hoodwinker called Muammer Çatıkkaş Silsüpür (68) in Istanbul's 
Küçükçekmece district, identified himself as a policeman and told
Muammer hanım that a gang had made a fake ID card using her name
and would sell all her property.

Her husband Kadir Silsüpür then sold a plot of land he owned in 
Kastamonu worth 15 million TL (about $440,000) for just 5 million TL
and gave the money to the "police".  Subsequently, the couple realized
they had been duped and filed a criminal complaint with the real police.

Cybersecurity expert Osman Demircan noted that this fraud technique
is widely used against older citizens and recommended that when such
a call comes to physically go to the police station to confirm it (or not).

4 Eylül 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Environment's Enemies Don't Deserve the Name 'People', in Bolu and Kuşadası

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 4 September 2024)

      The morning after the creatures' night before...

The night before last in a park in the Aşağısoku neighborhood of Bolu,
four individuals drank alcohol and ate food, leaving their garbage 
remnants behind them.  In the morning, local residents were faced with
the filthy mess and summoned municipal sanitation teams to come and
clean it up. 

The four individuals who left the mess were identified and Bolu Mayor
Tanju Özcan reacted angrily: "Four creatures (!), let's not call them 
people, sat and drank in one of our parks until morning, leaving their
debris as they left.  We have learned their identities and have fined 
them each 40,000 TL (about $1,200).  We will also charge them with
crimes because paragraph 181 of the Turkish Penal Law stipulates that
'a jail term of up to two years will be given to anyone intentionally 
dirtying the environment.  So if you continue to behave in  this filthy 
manner you'll end up in jail.  I'm warning you!"


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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 4 September 2024)

Restraining orders issued against human predators.

In Kuşadası district of Aydın province, teams from the Provincial 
Gendarmerie Command's Environment and Animal Protection
Command have determined that only 11 "ölmez çiçeği" (golden
tuft/helichrysum orientale) remain in the region.  

The fine for pulling out an "ölmez çiçeği" is 387,141 TL (about 
$11,300) and the Gendarmerie is making this known to citizens, 
as they continue to keep track of the endangered plants. 


3 Eylül 2024 Salı

"Beat & Release": US Sailors "Hooded" by Revenge-minded Turkish Youths, in Izmir

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 3 September 2024)

        Tough to see the sights with your head covered.

The American amphibious landing craft USS Wasp (LHD-1) anchored 
at the port of Izmir and some sailors disembarked to tour the city. 
However (!),  a crowd of Turkish youths, members of the Türkiye 
Gençlik Birliği (TGB/Turkish Youths Union), happened to be on
Alsancak Kıbrıs Şehitleri Caddesi (street along the Izmir shore named
for the Turkish soldiers who died in the Cyprus intervention of 1974).

When the TGB group noticed one of the American sailors they put a
sack over his head and this scene was recorded. Police intervened and
took 15 Turkish youths into custody.  The American Embassy in Ankara
issued a statement thanking Turkish officials for their quick response.

What goes around comes around...hooded Turkish soldiers
in US custody in northern Iraq 20 years ago. 

2 Eylül 2024 Pazartesi

"Fleece & Release": Loanshark in Doctor's Clothing Traps Real Doctor Into Debt, in Bakırköy

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(Hürriyet Newspaper, 2 September 2024)

 Turns out the waters off Bakırköy are infested with them.

Bahran L., claiming to be a doctor, became friendly with and won the
trust of Suad G., an esthetic doctor in Bakırköy, Istanbul. He (somehow)
obtained a 150,000 promissory note from Suad hanım and promptly 
sold it, without her permission, to his partners-in-crime Birdal D. and 
Mehmek K. 

As events proceeded, Bahran L., in reality a loanshark, harassed Suad
hanım, together with his cohorts, for a debt she had no responsibility for.
She sought help from the public prosecutor, filing a criminal complaint
against Bahrah L. for working in Turkey as a renegade doctor and even
performing operations that put many individuals' lives in danger.

In her complaint, her lawyer wrote the following: "Bahran L. and his
two friends sent their goons to Suad hanım's clinic in Bakırköy. This
situation has made it impossible for Suad hanım to attend to her job
and her patients, or even to go to her clinic, because of this 'debt' she
does not owe, putting her in great danger.  We request that the 
prosecutor initiate an investigation and open a case against Bahran L.
and his two associates."

Bahran L. when there's a full moon...

1 Eylül 2024 Pazar

"Dig & Release": Excavations Yield Children's Skeletons From 7,600 Years Ago and a Donkey Image 11,000 Years Old

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 31 August 2024)


        Did these people invent the wheel? Maybe gears?

The archeological excavations being conducted by a 15-person team of
archeologists and scientists, led by Dr. Halil Tekin of Hacettepe University,
at the Domuztepe Mound in Türkoğlu, Kahramanmaraş province, are 
continuing.  The mound/settlement is from the Late Neolithic Period and
two skeletons of children, one a baby and the other thought to be a 
child about 6-7 years of age, have been found in separate graves.  The
skeletons are 7,600 years old (!). 

Dr. Tekin explained that: "We found two graves, one that of a baby, next
to the foundations of a building just next to a structure resembling a 
keyhole.  This was quite a surprise for us because graves are found very
rarely at Domuztepe."

He also related that in this same region in recent years another team had 
found around 40 skeletons in an area labeled the "death hole".  Dr. Tekin
added that in the Late Neolithic Period the burials of babies and children 
in or near a building was done to prevent cutting the children's link with
their homes. 


türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 1 September 2024)

          Archeologist, bottom left, trying to pin the tail.

At an excavation conducted at Karahantepe in Şanlıurfa province, the 
figure of a running donkey carved into a stone from the Neolithic Period
11,000 years ago (!) has been discovered.  There are more than 250 
"dikiltaş" (erect stone monuments)  at Karahantepe. Prof. Dr. Necmi Karul, 
who is leading the excavations at 10 sites in Karahantepe, said that the 
abodes there contained many grinding stones, indicating that daily life 
went on within the settlement.