13 Eylül 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Police Crack TV-worthy Murder Case, in Konya Ereğli

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 13 September 2024)

           Fahri bey points to the still-wet tears he shed.

Murat Açkan (61) left his family in Adana and went to the farm where
his niece Z.D. (48) lived with her husband Fahri Demirdüzen (51) in 
Konya Ereğli on 20 March.  Once there, Murat bey criticized Fahri bey's 
farming, saying things like "Why don't you clean up the weeds alongside 
the fields? The irrigation pipes are out in the open. You're continuously 
pestering me to send you money.  What are we paying you to do here?!"

Fahri bey and Murat bey then engaged in a shoving match, during 
which Fahri bey grabbed a gun from Murat bey's waist and shot his
wife's uncle full of holes.  To hide the body, Fahri bey dug a hole with
the farm's back-hoe 3 meters deep, wrapped Murat bey's body in 
naylon and bound his feet, waist and head with rope.  Fahri bey 
cried a bit (!) before throwing the body in the hole and filling it with

Next, Fahri bey went to Adana with Murat bey's cellphone so a
signal would be registered there.  He then closed the phone and 
threw it in the irrigation canal on Mavi Boulevard in Seyhan 
district.  Fahri bey returned to Konya Ereğli and on 23 March he
took his wife Z.D. to visit his mother-in-law Rahme A. in Adana,
where Fahri bey "explained" that "Uncle said to me 'I'll leave my
car here.  I want to go to Mecca for "umre" ((religious pilgrimage)).
Take me to Adana. After I pass "Kurban Bayramı" ((feast of the
sacrifice)) there ((Mecca)) I'll come back.  While I'm there I won't
have time for phone calls.  Give the keys to my niece and have her
keep an eye on the house.'  So, I took him to Adana.  He had a 
suitcase with him."

Murat bey, in happier times. He took pride in never 
having been a back-seat driver.

However (!), after three months passed and most of those who had
gone to Mecca had returned, Murat bey's kin filed a missing persons 
report with the police on 28 June.  An investigation was started and
police quickly learned that there was no record of Murat bey having 
left the country.  Additionally, police looked at video images from
the highway and saw that Fahri bey was alone in the car on the
day he said he took Murat bey to Adana.  Queried about this
inconsistency, Fahri bey told police that "Uncle was sitting in the
back seat." (!) 

Murat bey's relatives, though, asserted that he would never get
into a car he wasn't driving himself, nor would he ever sit in the
back seat.  Murat bey rarely used his cellphone, yet the day before
the incident a long conversation was registered on his phone.  

At this point, Fahri bey was cornered and confessed, "explaining"
that after Murat bey had a kidney transplant operation he became
very aggressive.  He added that "Uncle bought that farm and gave
it to me to run.  On the day of the incident, he came and criticized
me badly about it.  He also cursed my wife and children. We got
into a tussle and he took out his gun.  I grabbed it from him and shot
him with all the bullets before he could do the same to me. Then
I cried (!) as I waited till dark to dig the pit for his body and threw
his body into it.  I paid his bills to make it look like he was still
living.  I didn't confess up to now because I was going to commit
suicide, but just couldn't do it.  I regret the whole thing."

After the interrogation, Fahri bey was jailed.  Murat bey's body
was recovered from the pit and, after an autopsy conducted by the
Konya forensic lab, the body was turned over to his relatives, who
buried him in Kabasakal Cemetery in Adana. 

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