14 Eylül 2024 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Worker Falls, Boss Worries About Insurance Coverage Versus Calling an Ambulance, in Ankara

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 14 September 2024)


                             Death by paperwork.

On 19 August, at a pastry shop in Ankara's Yenimahalle district, pastry
chef İsmail Can Seçkin (26) fell from a 4-meter high staircase with a 
"baklava" cart and was seriously injured.  He stayed in Bilkent City
Hospital's intensive care unit for 22 days before passing away.  

The claim has been made that after the accident, insurance actions were
prioritized by the shop owner, such that a call for an ambulance was 
delayed.  A record in Seçkin's "e-devlet" (Turkey's citizen data base) file 
shows that an insurance "entry" was registered on 19 August.  The 
"e-devlet" records also reflected that in a two-year period Seçkin's 
insurance "exit" occurred, the last time being in March 2024.

Seçkin's older brother Halil İbrahim Seçkin (29) claimed that his brother's
insurance "entry" occurred right after the accident. He stated that "After
he fell, the boss had the accountant find a computer so the 'entry' could
be made into the records.  Much time was wasted. Rather than worry 
about insurance, if they had called an ambulance right away my brother
might be alive today.  It's almost akin to attempted murder.  I want those
responsible to be held accountable and punished.  It's unknown whether
or not my brother fell or did not fall. There are no camera records and
the failure to have camera coverage in a workplace is yet another matter
of irresponsibility.  And there were no banisters on that staircase, yet
another matter of safety neglect. Then there's the issue of the delay in
calling the ambulance.  For an employee that had given 8 years of 
service this is intolerable."

The shop owner asserted that was just a fall from a staircase and that
there was no delay in getting Seçkin to the hospital. 

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