6 Şubat 2023 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Microchip ID's Ankara Cat, Now a Swiss Citizen

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 6 February 2023)

                 A chip that worked like a Swiss watch. 

In 2019, Martine Berset, a diplomat serving in the Swiss embassy in 
Ankara, opened her house to street cats and dogs.  Berset fed stray
animals on the street and brought mother cats and their new-born
kittens into her home.  In 2022, in accordance with a Turkish 
government order, she had ID chips attached to the cats but in March
of that year, three of the cats disappeared. 

In September 2022, Berset's tour at the embassy ended and she went
back to Switzerland with five cats.  In October, a cat that had been 
injured by a pack of dogs in Ankara's Elmadağ district was brought
to a veterinarian who read the chip and saw that the cat was "Erin",
one of Berset's three lost cats. 

Veterinarian Aydın Aksu, who put the chips on Berset's cats in the 
first place, contacted Berset with the news of Erin's discovery.  
Berset, now retired, came to Ankara from Switzerland in December
and brought Erin back with her to her country.  

                 We'll all be getting them pretty soon. 

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