2 Şubat 2023 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": One List You Don't Want to be On - "Sarı Memet"'s, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 2 February 2023)

"Sarı (Santa) Memet" - he's makin' a list and checkin' it twice. 

Mehmet B. (37), who lives in Istanbul, went to prison for involvement in
a crime.  He was released at the beginning of last month during his trial.
After his release, the sound of gunfire began to increase in the Kulaksız
area of Beyoğlu.  Mehmet B., whose nickname is "Sarı Memet", had 
made a list of his friends and acquaintances who ignored him while he
was in prison.  (!)

On 17 January, "Sarı Memet" met with two people on his list, Ertan K.
and Mehmet E., on a pretext and proceeded to shoot them both in their
legs.  In subsequent days he did the same thing to five others on his list,
shooting them all in their legs.  "Sarı Memet" has been able to elude 
police since then but he emerged the day before yesterday in Kasımpaşa,
where he shot Erdinç G. (61) in his legs as revenge for ignoring him 
while in prison. "Sarı Memet", who has a police record of 10 crimes,
is still on the lam. 


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