20 Kasım 2023 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Rescuers Mobilize but Can't Save Recycler Trapped Under Trash, in Kayseri

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 20 November 2023)

Valiant rescue effort stymied by darkness and foul weather.

Municipal worker Zeydan Mugan (45), working as a recycling sorter at 
the Molu Organized Trash Depository and Compost Facility in Kayseri's 
Kocasinan district, fell under a load of trash being dumped by a garbage 
truck at about 10 o'clock the night before last.  Teams from AFAD, 
UMKE, ANDA and IHH rescue organizations rushed to the scene to save 
recycler Mugan but after about four hours of searching the effort was 
postponed until the next morning because of foul weather conditions. 

The search for Mugan resumed yesterday morning and rescuers using a
back-hoe found Mugan's body amid the piles of trash.  The body was 
taken to the Kayseri State Hospital morgue for an autopsy and an 
investigation into the incident was initiated. 

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