türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 24 September 2019)
It's not nice to fool Mother Seat-Belt.
In Zonguldak, Mehmet Akdeniz lost control of his vehicle, plate
number 67 EY 696, while driving on the Saraycık village road.
As the car rolled down a 36-meter embankment, Akdeniz was thrown
out and hit his head on a tree. He was taken to Bülent Ecevit
University Hospital, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
It turned out that Akdeniz had placed a metal piece, that can be
purchased for 15 TL (less than $3) on the internet, into the seat-belt
receptacle to 'fool' the car's warning system so he didn't have to wear
his seat-belt. (!)
Zonguldak is on the western Black Sea coast.
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