2 Mart 2022 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Another Woman "Falls" 7 Stories But May Live to Talk About It, in Kocaeli

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 2 March 2022)

"fallen women" click here for a story about a woman 
"jumping" off a cliff. 

              What doesn't kill you makes you talkative.

Sedefnur Çağlar, a senior in the architecture faculty of Kocaeli 
University, went with her boyfriend, policeman Ahmet Ata, to the home
of another policeman, O.Ç., on 9 January.  These three were joined by
a woman named E.Ş. for a drinking party and the morning after
Sedefnur hanım "fell" from the 7th floor flat's balcony. (!)

The seriously injured Sedefnur hanım was taken to the intensive care
unit of a hospital, while Ata was arrested for "attempted murder".  
After statements were taken from E.Ş. and O.Ç., they were both
released.  In his statement, Ata said that after drinking and partying
at O.Ç.'s house he fell asleep.  Meanwhile, Sedefnur hanım looked at
his cellphone messages, saw those of another woman and, enraged,
jumped off the balcony. (!) 

Nervously waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak.

Sedefnur hanım broke many bones from her "fall" and suffered a 
blood clot in her brain, so she was put to sleep in the intensive care unit.  
However, the blood clot shrank and she awoke last week.  The day 
before yesterday Sedefnur hanım was discharged from intensive care 
and taken to a private room.  Her father Ahmet Çağlar told Hürriyet
that "she's out of intensive care for now and in a private room. She's
better and we'll keep track of her recovery." 

Sedefnur hanım's life is no longer in danger but she is still not in a
condition to give a statement to the police.  When she does, though,
it will be one of the most important pieces of evidence in regard to
shedding light on the incident. 

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