30 Temmuz 2022 Cumartesi

Fake "Secret Agents" Foiled by Their Poor Spelling, in Alanya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 29 July 2022)

Heiti saved from God knows what by spelling expert.

A spy-like caper to rival those seen in films occurred in Alanya district 
of Antalya province.  Five men entered the home of  Estonian Heiti 
Raag, wanted by Interpol with a "blue bulletin", and his wife Olga Raag,
identifying themselves as members of MIT (Turkish National 
Intelligence Organization).  The supposed MIT members asked Olga
where Heiti was and said that the couple had one hour to surrender

When Heiti could not be located the MIT "officials" - T.A. (54), İ.Y.
(58), Ş.T. (51), C.T. (43) and M.D.Ç. (32) -  took Olga to the
Gendermerie outpost, showed the sergeant on duty their "ID" cards
and claimed to be specially assigned to this mission by the Turkish
Presidency, showing the sergeant a search warrant signed by a 
"prosecutor with special authority".  

The "MIT 5" wanted the Gendarmerie commander to take Heiti and 
Olga into custody and hand them over.  However (!), the commander,
Col. Burak Mindivanlı, noticed some spelling errors in the paperwork
and when the identities of the "MIT 5" were researched it turned out
that C.T. has a police record of 30 crimes, including fraud and assault.
Also, the "special prosecutor" who signed the search warrant turned
out to be imaginary.

The Gendarmerie took the "MIT 5" into custody.  Suspect M.D.Ç. is
a lawyer registered in the Antalya bar and has acted as a lawyer for
Heiti Raag.  

                           Would-be Secret Agents

Commander Col. Mindivanlı personally went to the Mahmutlar 
Gendermerie outpost where the "MIT 5" had taken Olga and noticed 
how "cool" the suspects behaved even when their fraud
was being discovered: "the suspects were very calm even when 
handcuffed and kept on insisting that they were members of MIT.
They even wanted to call the governor.  But their paperwork was
very amateurish.  They wrote their real ID information on their 
fake MIT cards.  We think they wanted to squeeze the person 
being sought with the Interpol "blue bulletin" for money."

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