4 Ocak 2023 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Taxi Driver Terror, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 4 January 2023)

                        Police are looking for this man.

Berna K. (52) and Yıldız S. (48) went to a friend's birthday party in 
Kadıköy, Istanbul, last Friday night and afterward headed home in
their Jeep at about 0330 in the morning.  When they reached Kızıltoprak
the Jeep was hit from behind by a taxi, not once but twice.  Realizing 
that the taxi driver was intentionally hitting their vehicle, the women
stepped on the gas.  Nevertheless, the taxi driver kept on hitting them
from behind, prompting Yıldız hanım to call the police.

In front of Süleyman Yalçın Hospital in Göztepe, the taxi hit the
women's Jeep again but this time local police heard the noise and
the taxi driver, seeing the police, fled.  Berna hanım explained that 
"we were going along at normal speed and saw his headlights all of
a sudden.  He hit us a couple of times so we sped away, honking the
horn.  He hit us for the fourth time in front of the hospital."
We saw his face and took down his license plate number. The front of 
the taxi was damaged quite a bit but our sturdy Jeep was just a bit 
banged up in the back.  The police escorted us all the way home.
The taxi owner was contacted and said he'd rented the vehicle to
an auto gallery for 10 years."  Police are searching for the fugitive
taxi driver. 


türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 4 January 2023)

             "Raging Bull" taxi driver Taravis Bikeloğlu.

In Ümraniye, Istanbul, on Sunday evening Koray Akyol was driving
along and refused to allow a taxi driving in the right security lane 
from entering in front of him.  Enraged, the taxi driver followed 
Akyol for 5 kilometers, got out of his taxi at a red light, and began
to curse and scream at Akyol, pounding on and kicking his car for
good measure.  

Akyol noted that he and his girlfriend were frightened.  He put his
car in reverse by mistake and hit the taxi.  Akyol then fled the scene.
He noted that "I didn't confront him at all. He didn't seem to be the
type who would listen to reason.  God knows what he would have
done to us if he'd been able to open my door.  I'm thinking about (!)
filing a complaint.  Such people should be punished right away!"

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