8 Eylül 2023 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Barber Shop Customers in Deadly Fight Over "Whose Turn Is It?!", in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 8 September 2023)


In Kartal, Istanbul, on 2 September, Türkican Yıldırm (18) went to a 
barber shop with a friend to get a haircut.  As the two waited their turn,
another customer entered the shop and an argument erupted over whose
turn came next. (!)

At this point one Mehmet Emin Öz entered the shop and said to the two
youths "who was disrespectful to my friend!".  The argument then became
a fight during which Öz threw a punch at Yıldırım, who slumped to the 
ground, while his friend and Öz continued fighting.  

Others in the shop ultimately quelled the fight and Yıldırım was taken to
a hospital, where he was placed in intensive care for 3 days.  The evening
before last he passed away.  Öz was arrested and taken to jail. 

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