24 Mart 2025 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": Ballet Student Attacked by Obsessed Deviant, in Ankara

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 24 March 2025)

                   Even the swings aren't safe anymore.

In Ankara, E.N.A. (19), a ballet student preparing for her tests 
at an arts conservatory, was swinging on a swing at a local 
park on 9 December when Y.E.Ç. (30), whom she had met
five months before, grabbed her neck, broke a few of her
teeth and head-butted her (!).

E.N.A.'s mother A.K. saw what was happening from her 
home's window and pursued Y.E.Ç., who threatened A.K. 
with a fruit knife.  Mother and daughter obtained a hospital
report about her bruises and filed a complaint with the 
Gendarmerie.  As the investigation continued, 3 months later
Y.E.Ç was forbidden from approaching E.N.A.

However, E.N.A. noticed that Y.E.Ç. was still following her
so she sought help on social media, relating that she felt 
trapped at home by his surveillance and unable to attend

As for Y.E.Ç., in his statement he "explained" that "when I
tried to chat with E.N.A.  and touched her ear she cursed me.
Her mother cursed at me, too!"  Nevertheless, Y.E.Ç. was
fitted with an electronic handcuff. 

Complexion problems are to blame, evidently.

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