25 Ocak 2021 Pazartesi

"Beat & Release": He Rapes, Tortures and Prompts Her Suicide... But Goes Free

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Milliyet Newspaper, 25 January 2021)

same place, reverse result click here for another TNT

report from Döşemealtı, in, unfortunately, this same 

                               His defense: "Slander!"

In Antalya, a woman named Ç.Y. attempted suicide after being raped 
and is now nearly completely disabled.  Yet, alleged rapist Murat 
Kaya has been released, sparking outrage in public opinion.  Womens' 
rights defenders declared that "this was torture and torture is a crime.  
The state must henceforth show zero-tolerance toward those who kill 
and commit violence against women.  This person should be jailed for 
trial.  If he is not, it will only encourage thousands of other men."

Ç.Y., the mother of one child, was working at a nightclub when, on 30
September 2019, she accepted a ride from nightclub customer Kaya to 
drop her at a taxi stand after work.  But after passing the taxi stand 
without stopping, Ç.Y. wanted to get out of Kaya's car.  Instead, Kaya
took Ç.Y. to a carpentry shop in Altınkale village, where he started to
beat and disrobe her.  

Ç.Y. was able to call her mother H.B. to say "Mother, I'm dying. Take
good care of my son!"  Kaya then grabbed the phone from her and
proceeded to rape Ç.Y.  When H.B. called back, Kaya told her that 
"I'm raping your daughter right now." and hung up.  (!)  In addition, 
Kaya is accused of having a worker named G.K. forcibly have Ç.Y.
take drugs.  Next, after taking 850 TL (about $110) from Ç.Y.'s 
purse Kaya left her along the road.

Ç.Y. filed a criminal complaint about the rape with police and got a
doctor's report to document the incident.  Both Kaya and G.K. were
taken into custody but asserted that Ç.Y.'s accusations were slander.
Checking security video from Kaya's workplace, police found that
the video for the date and time of the rape had been erased, although
some frames were recovered.

Nevertheless, both Kaya and G.K. were released on judicial 
supervision, prompting Ç.Y. to attempt suicide.  Her sister saved
her at the last minute, but Ç.Y. is now bedridden and 99% disabled.

Altınkale village is NW of Antalya in Döşemealtı district.

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