30 Ağustos 2024 Cuma

"Wreck & Release": 3,600-Year-Old Bronze Dagger Found in Underwater Shipwreck, off Antalya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 30 August 2024)

Kinda looks like a fancy letter-opener. Perhaps it had other
uses, too. 

A new discovery has come to light from the underwater excavations
being conducted since 2019 in the Mediterranean Sea with permission 
of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.  The excavations in the waters
off Anatalya's Kumluca district have been led by Assistant Professor Dr.
Hakan Öniz of Akdeniz University on behalf of the Excavations and
Research Office Directorate.  Previously, a sunken ship carrying copper 
"yastık" (pillow) ingots thought to have come from the Trodos Mountains
on Cyprus was found at a depth of 50 meters. 

This time, a silver-riveted bronze dagger has been discovered in the 
wreck.  Experts believe that the dagger is 3,600 years old  and belongs
to the Crete-Minoan civilization, indicating that the ship was en route to
Crete when it sank.  Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy
shared images of the wreck and the dagger on social media, writing: 

"A 3,600-year secret has seen the light of day from the depths of the
Mediterranean Sea. An underwater excavation in the waters off 
Antalya's Kumluca district has yielded a silver-riveted bronze dagger
belonging to the Crete-Minoan civilization.  The wreck is a candidate
to become one of the most important discoveries in underwater archeology
in the world, not just in Turkey.  I thank our teams from Akdeniz
University and the Excavations and Research Office Directorate for
achieving this discovery, thanks to their fastidious efforts to bring the
traces of hidden civilizations lying in the depths of the Mediterranean
to light."

29 Ağustos 2024 Perşembe

"Fleece & Release": Animal Shelter Was Run Like Manager's Personal Piggy Bank, in Silivri

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 29 August 2024)

    Relaxing with some of her unwitting business partners.

Merve Yirik, the manager and association director for the "Silivri Canları
2. Hayat Melekleri Barınağı" (Silivri Living Things Second Life Angels
Shelter), sold the animals left at her shelter, took money from selected
veterinarians, and created fake receipts for supposed treatments of the 
animals.  In a police operation launched on 1 August Merve hanım was
caught red-handed and jailed.  

According to a MASAK (financial crimes bureau) report, between 2021
and 2024 the shelter collected 37,323,777 TL (about $1.1 million), of 
which 30 million TL came from contributions, and Merve hanım's 
family's debts were paid with the contribution money. 

New animal-powered business model.

In simultaneous police raids conducted on 28 August, shelter director
Halil Burak Değirmenci, cosmetic firm owner (!) Ünsal Kıran, Merve
hanım's father Orhan Yirik, her sister Gökçe Yirik Gençay and her 
brother-in-law Hasan Gençay were all taken into custody for  "acting
in bad faith" and "laundering ill-gotten gains".  

28 Ağustos 2024 Çarşamba

"Crash & Release": Underpass Fails to Yield to Too-high Truck...Again, in Bakırköy

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 28 August 2024)

         Ouch...for the 12th time. We (don't) learn by doing.

Yesterday in Istanbul's Bakırköy district at about 1130 hours, a TIR 
(tractor-trailer) being driven by Şenol M. was heading towards Florya
but hit the ceiling of the shore road's underpass in front of the Air 
Force War College (!).   The impact caused the TIR to fall partially
on top of a city bus driven by Zeynel G. heading from Eminönü to 
Halkalı, and to hit a car driven by Tamer S.  TIR's higher than 4 meters
are forbidden to enter the underpass.  

Of course, traffic on the westbound lanes of the shore road was
paralyzed by the accident.  TIR driver Şenol M. and bus passengers
İbrahim T., Beyhan T., Eda T., Bilge S. and Duygu S. were injured
in the crash.  Over the course of three hours, teams worked to remove
the bus and the TIR with a winch, allowing the road to be reopened
to traffic. 

Driver Şenol M. explaining how it happened...

27 Ağustos 2024 Salı

"Tweet & Release": University Rector/Doctor Apologizes for Insulting Singer's Voice, in Istanbul

 Hürriyet Newspaper, 27 August 2024
 (article unavailable on internet)

Taking it all in stride, she said "there's no such
thing as bad publicity."

Prof. Dr. Metin Kapan, the Deputy Rector at the Aydın University Medical
Faculty in Istanbul, allegedly sent this private message to the singer Müge 
via Instagram a few days ago: "More than your songs, you're showing off
your body.  Unfortunately, your voice isn't very good." (!)

In turn, Müge hanım posted Kapan's message on her X account with this
comment: "This is the message that a 'university rector', whom I've never
met, whom I don't follow,  and who doesn't follow me, sent to me 
privately.  If this is what's happened to our country's educators, you can
imagine the rest."  In short order, Müge hanım's post became one of the
most talked-about subjects on social media. 

Müge hanım changed her account's access from public to private 
as the result of this rapid re-posting and subsequently erased it altogether.
Hürriyet reached out to Müge hanım for a comment and received this
response: "Thank you for your interest, but the gentleman (!) has 
apologized and I've erased the related 'tweets'.  In any case, I said that
I would erase them if he apologized."

He's a music critic in his spare time.

25 Ağustos 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Crucifix Stolen by "Suç Makinesi" From Armenian Church as "Gift for Girlfriend", in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 25 August 2024) 

"Suç Makinesi" (Incorrigible Criminal) told his girlfriend
he planned to go to confession very soon. 

S.A. came to the Armenian Catholic Church in Beyoğlu, Istanbul, on 21
August and sat in a pew for a bit.  He scanned his perimeter for any 
others who might be around and, seeing none, he got up he grabbed a 
crucifix (!) from the altar and fled in a taxi from the area. 

When church officials noticed the absence of the crucifix they called the
police, who identified culprit S.A., who has a police record of 37
crimes (!),  from security camera footage.  S.A. was arrested in a park
and "explained" to police that he stole the crucifix to give it as a gift to
his girlfriend (!).  The crucifix was returned to the church.  S.A. was
charged with "theft from a place of worship" and jailed. 

Another gift for a girlfriend in Spain. Why not just flowers?

24 Ağustos 2024 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Turkish Hit Man Exacts Revenge in "Blood Feud" at Frankfurt Rail Station

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 24 August 2024)

Orient Express revenge at the train station. No mystery though.

The murder at the Frankfurt rail station that all Germany is talking about 
has turned out to be the result of a Turkish "blood feud" (!).  Kemal Ö. 
(54), who manages a kebap shop in Lahr city in Baden-Württemberg state, 
committed the murder in revenge for the killing of his tribal relative 
Ahmet Özdakak (46) in Antalya.   

The Frankfurt victim, Hakim E. (27), had shot dead Özdakak in Antalya 
nearly two months ago and fled.  However (!), the Özdakak family 
tracked Hakim E. via the internet and when his location was determined
they sent word to Kemal Ö. in Lahr.  

On Tuesday evening at about 9 o'clock at the main Frankfurt rail station,
Kemal Ö. casually approached Hakim E. from behind and shot him in
the head.  After Hakim E. fell to the floor, Kemal Ö. shot him twice more
and tried to flee but was apprehended by police.  Kemal Ö. has not yet
given a statement to police but it has been learned that Özdakak was the
nephew of Kemal Ö. 

Kemal Ö. getting into character beforehand...

Hakim E. was not registered in Germany in any way and it is not known
how he entered the country.  He is registered in Şanlıurfa's Viranşehir 
district as a member of the Çuvanlı tribe.  Fearing revenge for killing
Özdakak, Hakim E. (somehow) came to Germany about two months ago
and stayed with relatives.

Lahr is south of Frankfurt. Şanlıurfa is about 500 miles
east of Antalya.

23 Ağustos 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Prosecutor Tries to Sort Out Messy Love Triangle, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 August 2024)

Hypotenuse of alternate universe triangle test prosecutor's ken. 

On 14 August in Istanbul's Küçükçekmece district, Öznür Akkaya (23) 
was stabbed in the back and killed by her estranged husband Gökhan 
Akkaya (27), when she rejected his offer to get back together. 

In his statement to police, Gökhan bey "explained" that: "When I saw
that my wife was messaging with our upstairs neighbor Abdulatif Ali
(24) we argued.  I broke her phone and warned Ali to stay away from
my wife.  Later I learned that my wife ran away with Ali."

In his statement to the police Ali "explained" that "I'd known
Öznür hanım for four months and she became my lover.  She left home
and came to me on 3 August.  On the night of her death we left work
at about 9 o'clock at night and went to İkitelli to have dinner.  Gökhan
saw us on the bus, forced us to get off and chased me away, after which
I went to the police station to report the incident."

However (!), the public prosecutor investigated the matter and determined
that on 15 June Öznür hanım had attempted suicide, and had filed a 
complaint with the prosecutor on 1 July, asserting that Ali had sexually 
assaulted her (!).  The prosecutor found out, as well, that Ali had a police 
record for crimes including "sexual assault", "threats" and "robbery".  

In addition, on 6 August, 8 days prior to her death, Öznür hanım had
filed a complaint with the prosecutor against Gökhan bey for "intent to
wound" and obtained a restraining order against him. 

Map also depicts prosecutor's tangle of calculations.

22 Ağustos 2024 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Older Man Shames Young Onlookers to Intervene Against Wife-beater, in Manisa

türkçe links to original Turkish article and video

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 August 2024)

                   Unlikely hero saves Sudenaz's life.

In Manisa province's Akhisar district, Yılmaz Akman (37) savagely 
beat pregnant Sudenaz A. (19) on the street in broad daylight as others 
looked on disinterestedly (!).   The couple had lived together but 
recently broke up.  After beating Sudenaz hanım with his fists and
kicking her with his legs, Akman took a metal rod and continued the

As Sudenaz screamed for help, the couple's 3-year-old son was looking
on and began to cry.  Bystanders watching the attack didn't move a 
muscle to intervene and this tragic disinterest was recorded on someone's
phone.  Finally, an older man intervened against Akman and this sparked
the onlooking drones into action, saving Sudenaz hanım and beating 
Akman to a pulp.  Police came and took Akman to jail.  Sudenaz hanım
was taken to a hospital for treatment and is said to be in good condition. 

In his statement to police, Akman did not deny his crime but "explained":
"Sudenaz is my common-law wife but we've been living apart for a long
while.  That day (17 August) together with my brother I was going to
take her to our village.  But she got out of the car and screamed 
'save me!", which prompted me to begin beating her (!).  I grabbed a
metal rod from someone and continued to beat her.  I've known that
she is pregnant for a few days."

For her part, Sudenaz hanım stated that: "I was at the market with my
child.  Yılmaz called me and said he wanted to take me to the village.
At first I refused but then he persuaded me so I got into his brother's
car.  Then I changed my mind and got out of the car.  He came after me
and started insulting me.  When I yelled 'save me!', he started to beat

Wife-beater AND child-beater.

Once the video spread on social media there was a great outcry from
the public and the Manisa Governor's office announced that Sudenaz
hanım would be protected.

Sudenaz hanım was quoted in a report in Gerçek Gündem as saying: 
"I was raised by my aunts and my father's mother.  Since I was raised
motherless, I relied on him but he has beaten me since I was 14. 
 On the day of the incident, many people just watched without doing 
anything to help me.  Some of them were even laughing.  I'm pregnant 
and I began to bleed.  My head is swelled and I've got three stitches. 
 Only with my father's mother's help am I able to survive these days.
I'm afraid that if he gets out of jail he'll come after me again."

21 Ağustos 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat the Pavement & Release": Turkey's "Walking Man"'s Last Mile, in Pendik

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 21 August 2024)

"Everyone else stops to talk but the walking man walks on by."

The night before last, when relatives of Salami Salman, who lived 
on Terzi Street in the Kavakpınar neighborhood of Istanbul's Pendik
district, had not heard from him for two days they called the police,
who entered Salman's house and found him dead. 

Salman was known as "The Walking Man" because he became a
topic of interest on social media for walking along the E-5 highway
from Tuzla, via Pendik and Kartal, to Maltepe, as astonished drivers
looked on.  He earned the nickname "Pendik's Forrest Gump" for
his jaunts along the highway in winter and summer, no matter the 

Salman's mother Medine Salman explained that as a young man her
son was very lively, rather than the grim-faced man drivers saw lately.
Medine hanım said that after a 9-year engagement (!) her son's fiancé
broke off the relationship and following that he suffered  a head injury 
from an accident.  Subsequetly, all he did was walk along the highway 
back and forth each day. 

19 Ağustos 2024 Pazartesi

"Fleece & .Release": He Reluctantly Accepted a "Care Package" And Now Owes 182,000 Euros (!), in Mardin

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 19 August 2024)

          182,000 Euros! Must be a Louis Vuitton box. 

Syriani Amoniel Üneşi (67) lives alone in Mardin's Midyat district, 
where he raises goats and gets by on money his older brother sends
him from Sweden.  In June, two of his acquaintances, M.D. and Ü.D.,
brought Üneşi a "care package" (box of helpful supplies).  M.D. 
"explained" that an army major had distributed 100 of these "care
packages" and that this was the last one available. 

Although Üneşi said he had no need for the package, he accepted it
when M.D. and Ü.D. insisted.  Üneşi signed a paper acknowledging
receipt of the package, only to learn from a notice he received on 17
July that he owed 182,000 Euros (about 6.7 million TL) for the 
package (!).

Upon hearing of the hoodwinking, Üneşi's older brother Kenan Üneşi
(74) rushed to Midyat from Sweden and hired lawyer Beşir Romioğlu
to have the legal matters attended to and to file a criminal complaint
against those who had Amoniel Üneşi sign the promissory note on the
pretext of accepting the "care package". 

Amoniel noted that he has essentially no possessions and yet they're
demanding this enormous amount of money from him for accepting
the package. His brother Kenan confirmed that Amoniel lives a very
simple life and was targeted because of his naivety.  He demanded 
that the hoodwinkers be prosecuted. 

                     Soft target Amoniel and friends.

As for lawyer Romioğlu, he zeroed in on the hoodwinkers' intent: 
"Their aim is to get all they can from the Üneşi family's remaining
money and possessions."  through Amoniel.

A long way from Sweden, but a brother in need is a 
brother indeed.

18 Ağustos 2024 Pazar

"Crash & Release": Four Relatives Heading to Loved One's Funeral in Konya Die En Route, in Kayseri

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 18 August 2024)

      Four (more) funerals, but no wedding, in the family.

Yesterday at about three-thirty in the morning on the Kayseri-Malatya 
highway,  the driver of a vehicle with plate nr. 35 BFA 638 heading 
toward Kayseri lost control of the car, crashed into a traffic island
and flipped over.  

T.A., Z.B., F.B. and H.A. all lost their lives in the accident, while 
driver S.D. and a child named Z.A. were injured.  

It turned out that the car's occupants were relatives who had departed
from Erzurum and  Muş, heading to Konya to attend the funeral of a 
loved one (!).  

17 Ağustos 2024 Cumartesi

"Beat & Release": Hoodwinker Had Sex-change Operation but Still Got Caught, in Marmaris

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Haber7com website, 17 August 2024)

                        They always get their...uh, man!

In Muğla's Marmaris district, fugitive Hülya Yıldırım, wanted on 50
separate fraud charges and facing 27 years in jail, was nabbed in a
Gendarmerie operation.  However (!), Hülya hanım had a sex-change
operation recently so it was a fellow named Fırat Sedat Yıldırım who 
was actually arrested (!!). 

She/he/it committed the fraud crimes mostly in Antalya, but in other 
provinces, too.  The perpetrator was caught in a joint operation mounted
by the Muğla and Aydın Provincial Gendarmerie Commands.

Gendarmerie had only this "WANTED" poster to go by...

16 Ağustos 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": He's a "Suç Makinesi" (Inveterate Criminal) But Can't Get Arrested, in Çerkezköy

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 16 August 2024)

             Poster boy for the "suç makinesi" types. 

At 4 o'clock in the morning on 11 August, Furkan Dağlı (34) lost control
of his Range Rover jeep going downhill on Fulya Deresi Street in 
Istanbul's Beşiktaş district, smashed into four parked cars and ran over
pedestrian Dila Kırarslı (!), who was seriously injured.

Local residents called police and medics to the scene and two
uninjured people were extracted from the jeep, whose driver Dağlı fled, 
but who was nabbed 4 hours later in Çerkezköy in Tekirdağ province.  
It turned out that Dağlı is a "suç makinesi" (inveterate criminal) with 
a police record of 31 crimes  - and also the owner of Dağlı Hotel and 
Tourism Company (!).  

After giving a statement at the police station, Dağlı was released (!!!).
The prosecutor objected, though, and Dağlı was rearrested yesterday
in Çerkezköy.  Hamit Aktürk, who heard the accident happen, recalled
that "It was like a bomb had exploded or an earthquake had happened.
I got up, looked outside and saw a vehicle upside down. The vehicle
had come down the hill at high speed and hit a woman. We called for
an ambulance.  The driver was gone.  We got two people out of the 

Dağlı spent a night in jail in Çerkezköy and will be arraigned again 

Çerkezköy evidently a "suç makinesi"-friendly venue. 

15 Ağustos 2024 Perşembe

"Beat & Release (the Brake)": Emergency Brake Off, So Emergency Results as Vehicle Plunges, in Alanya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 15 August 2024)


In Antalya's Alanya district the day before yesterday at about six-thirty
in the evening, Emre Alıcı, on vacation with his family, parked his rental 
"safari"-type vehicle on a ramp.  However (!), Emre bey evidently hadn't 
put the emergency brake on, and his wife and daughter were still in the 
car when it began to roll down the hill (!). 

Emre bey noticed the vehicle's movement and tried frantically, but
unsuccessfully, to get into it and put the hand brake on.  He watched
as the vehicle plunged 10 meters down into a construction site.  
Firefighters arrived to extract Emre bey's young daughter Fatma Ela
from the wreckage but his wife Esma was pronounced dead at the scene.

14 Ağustos 2024 Çarşamba

"Sink & Release": Boat Capsizes in Black Sea - Three People Survive, Three Others Still Missing

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 14 August 2024)

          Captain seems to have gone down with his ship.

Emrah Yasin Büyükoral (38) was one of three people, out of six, on the
fiber boat "Maviş" that sank in the open waters two miles off Cide in
Kastamonu province on 11 August, to survive the ordeal.   Büyükoral, 
who is a national-level ju-jitsu expert athlete, said that the group had 
intended to take the stage that evening in Cide and he related how the 
incident unfolded: 

"The captain, Öztürk Kürelioğlu, invited us to go out on the boat with
him that evening.  I don't really like being out at sea but I know how to
swim.  So we sat on the boat and did some fishing. But as we left 
Gideros Bay the boat began to take on water.  We bailed the water as best
we could but as we did the boat went further out to sea."

"The captain insisted that 'I won't take you back until you've had some
fish to eat!' (!)  But we were two and a half miles out to sea and the back
of the boat was taking on more water.  Then the front part began to take
on water.  All of a sudden the boat capsized and we all found ourselves
under the boat.  I saw that Ayşe hanım was drowning but I was able to
grab her.  But then I started to swallow water.  We didn't panic, though,
telling each other to lie on our backs on the water surface.  I started to
swim to shore, followed by Ahmet Kaan Karayılan and Ayşenur Gürcan."

"We were in the water for about two and a half hours.  The three of us 
encouraged each other to hang on as we swam, but our hopes were 
fading.  Miraculously, a fishing boat's motor died and we screamed to it 
for help.  Thank God, our cries were heard and the fishermen saved us.  
Then we searched for the other three for a couple of hours.  As I was 
stuck in the water I thought of my daughter. I'm a good swimmer but I'll 
never stick my foot in the water again."

Captain Kürelioğlu, Hüya Mütevelli and Esmanur Gürcan were not
seen again, although sea and air searches continued all day yesterday. 

13 Ağustos 2024 Salı

"Beat & Release": Youth Hyped on Video Games Attacks Citizens In Real Life, in Eskişehir

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 13 August 2024)


In the village of Uluönder in Eskişehir's Tepebaşı district, Arda K. (18)
would play video games constantly.  But, in real life, Arda put on a mask,
helmet and goggles, as well a bullet-proof vest (!).  Then, with a Nazi 
emblem pasted on the vest, he went out of his house with an axe and a 
knife in his hands and proceeded to terrorize the patrons of a tea house 
in Uluönder and citizens waiting at a tram stop, attacking them with his 

Five persons were injured by Arda and hospitalized.  Fortunately, a 
policeman on his way to work intervened and the fleeing Arda was 
nabbed by the police.  His social media name is "Skreewie" and he
declared on it that "this is entirely a lonewolf attack". 

Arda as a sweet little boy long ago...

12 Ağustos 2024 Pazartesi

"Beat & Regret": Serb Won Olympic Gold but Cool Turkish Shooter Won Serbia

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 12 August 2024)

       Just dropped by and thought he'd give it a shot. 

Yusuf Dikeç of the Turkish shooting team became a global phenomenon 
with his relaxed, casual shooting stance and the fact that he and his 
shooting partner Şevval İlayda Tarhan won the silver medal at the Paris
Olympics.  The gold medal winner was Damir Mikec of Serbia.

However (!), according to a lighthearted message sent by Mikec to 
Dikeç: "Did I win the gold medal or did you?!  Even in my own country,
you're Number One!"   The two shooters are long-time friends. 

11 Ağustos 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Accidental Traffic Combatants, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 11 August 2024)

              No accident is complete without a fight.

In Ümraniye, Istanbul, three workers in an İBB (Istanbul municipality)
service vehicle got into an argument with another car's driver.  Claiming
that he and his older sister had been beaten by the 3 workers, K.Ö.D.
filed a police complaint against them.  The 3 workers were taken into
custody by police and explained that they'd apologized after the incident
but then a dispute erupted about the cost of repairing the car damage,
prompting K.Ö.D.'s police complaint. 

The incident occurred on the night of 1 August in the Aşağı Dudullu 
neighborhood of Ümraniye.  K.Ö.D. (20) was driving "makas" style
(weaving in and out of traffic at high speed) and clipped the İBB 
vehicle, in which İ.K., H.A. and E.P. were riding.  The 3 workers 
pursued K.Ö.D. and cut him off near his home.  A fight ensued and
the 3 workers beat K.Ö.D. and his sister, who together filed the police
complaint on 9 August, after which the 3 workers were arrested. 

With regard to the damage inflicted on K.Ö.D.'s vehicle when the
3 workers cut him off, he and his father demanded 100,000 TL 
(about $3,000), although the estimated cost of repairs was put at
27,000 TL.  This money dispute led to K.Ö.D.'s complaint and 
the workers' arrest. 

10 Ağustos 2024 Cumartesi

"Fleece & Release": Expensive Watch Exchanged for Fake With "Sleight-of-Desk Drawer" Trick, in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 10 August 2024)

    The duped seller didn't notice Mickey on the fake watch.

In Bakırköy, Istanbul, K.İ. put a watch valued at 1.4 million TL (about
$41,000) up for sale on the internet.  A potential customer responded by
telephone and invited K.İ. to come to his office in Bakırköy with the 
watch.  After chatting a bit, the two parties agreed on the sale of the 

However (!), the "buyer" said to K.İ.: "Let me go get the money. Let's
leave the watch safely in the drawer here."  It turned out, though,
that there was a trap-door in the drawer which enabled the original
watch to be exchanged with a fake. (!) 

A friend of the "buyer" took the real watch and absconded. Meanwhile,
the "buyer" told K.İ.: "there was a problem at the bank. Let's cancel the
sale."  He then took the fake watch out of the drawer and gave it to the
unsuspecting K.İ. 

Subsequently, K.İ. checked the watch and realized it was a fake.  He 
filed a complaint with the police, who took suspects B.Y., C.C., M.H.,
and Z.B. into custody, after which they were jailed. 

Henceforth, they're on prison time.

9 Ağustos 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Fatal Road Rage, in Istanbul and Antalya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 7 August 2024)

No Parking (except for the late Er-the-elder and younger)

In Bayrampaşa, Istanbul, the day before yesterday Orhan Bal (56) parked 
his car in front of the shop owned by Lütfü Er (75), sparking an argument
between the two.  Yesterday morning, Bal was attacked by Er and his son
Ramazan Er (54).  This (of course) prompted Bal to come to the scene of
the incident at 1300 hours yesterday and fire his gun at the elder Er in 
front of his shop.  

Other shop owners and passers-by tried to restrain Bal, who, having been
stabbed by Er-the-younger, tried to flee, firing back at Ramazan bey, who 
was in hot pursuit.  Police and medics arrived to take the wounded 
combatants to a hospital but both Er-the-elder and Er-the-younger were 
pronounced dead.  Treatment for Bal's knife wounds is continuing. 


türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 9 August 2024)

             Was to be married in two months :(

Mert Engin (26), a tow truck driver in Antalya, went to Kepez at 4
o'clock in the morning yesterday to aid a taxi driver, whose car's
battery had died.  As he began loading the taxi onto his tow truck, 
a rental car in which brothers D. D. (17) and B.D. (21) were riding, 
came onto the same street.  The brothers were annoyed by the noise 
Engin was making with his rescue of the taxi so (of course) an 
argument ensued. 

The argument died down and Engin resumed his work.  But the noise
from the tow truck's tire skidding caused the argument to begin anew,
with B.D. striking Engin in the head with a hammer. Now thoroughly
enraged, B.D. fired his gun twice in the air and then once into Engin's
head (!).  B.D. fled in the rental car but his brother D.D. was taken
into custody by police at the scene of the incident.  Engin was 
pronounced dead at the scene.

Police determined that B.D. has a long record of crimes.  They 
found the rental car in front of his father's house in Kepez and a
search of the house yielded the car's key, B.D. telephone and the gun
he used to shoot Engin, who was engaged to be married two months
from now (!).