19 Ağustos 2024 Pazartesi

"Fleece & .Release": He Reluctantly Accepted a "Care Package" And Now Owes 182,000 Euros (!), in Mardin

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 19 August 2024)

          182,000 Euros! Must be a Louis Vuitton box. 

Syriani Amoniel Üneşi (67) lives alone in Mardin's Midyat district, 
where he raises goats and gets by on money his older brother sends
him from Sweden.  In June, two of his acquaintances, M.D. and Ü.D.,
brought Üneşi a "care package" (box of helpful supplies).  M.D. 
"explained" that an army major had distributed 100 of these "care
packages" and that this was the last one available. 

Although Üneşi said he had no need for the package, he accepted it
when M.D. and Ü.D. insisted.  Üneşi signed a paper acknowledging
receipt of the package, only to learn from a notice he received on 17
July that he owed 182,000 Euros (about 6.7 million TL) for the 
package (!).

Upon hearing of the hoodwinking, Üneşi's older brother Kenan Üneşi
(74) rushed to Midyat from Sweden and hired lawyer Beşir Romioğlu
to have the legal matters attended to and to file a criminal complaint
against those who had Amoniel Üneşi sign the promissory note on the
pretext of accepting the "care package". 

Amoniel noted that he has essentially no possessions and yet they're
demanding this enormous amount of money from him for accepting
the package. His brother Kenan confirmed that Amoniel lives a very
simple life and was targeted because of his naivety.  He demanded 
that the hoodwinkers be prosecuted. 

                     Soft target Amoniel and friends.

As for lawyer Romioğlu, he zeroed in on the hoodwinkers' intent: 
"Their aim is to get all they can from the Üneşi family's remaining
money and possessions."  through Amoniel.

A long way from Sweden, but a brother in need is a 
brother indeed.

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