16 Ağustos 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": He's a "Suç Makinesi" (Inveterate Criminal) But Can't Get Arrested, in Çerkezköy

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 16 August 2024)

             Poster boy for the "suç makinesi" types. 

At 4 o'clock in the morning on 11 August, Furkan Dağlı (34) lost control
of his Range Rover jeep going downhill on Fulya Deresi Street in 
Istanbul's Beşiktaş district, smashed into four parked cars and ran over
pedestrian Dila Kırarslı (!), who was seriously injured.

Local residents called police and medics to the scene and two
uninjured people were extracted from the jeep, whose driver Dağlı fled, 
but who was nabbed 4 hours later in Çerkezköy in Tekirdağ province.  
It turned out that Dağlı is a "suç makinesi" (inveterate criminal) with 
a police record of 31 crimes  - and also the owner of Dağlı Hotel and 
Tourism Company (!).  

After giving a statement at the police station, Dağlı was released (!!!).
The prosecutor objected, though, and Dağlı was rearrested yesterday
in Çerkezköy.  Hamit Aktürk, who heard the accident happen, recalled
that "It was like a bomb had exploded or an earthquake had happened.
I got up, looked outside and saw a vehicle upside down. The vehicle
had come down the hill at high speed and hit a woman. We called for
an ambulance.  The driver was gone.  We got two people out of the 

Dağlı spent a night in jail in Çerkezköy and will be arraigned again 

Çerkezköy evidently a "suç makinesi"-friendly venue. 

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