22 Ağustos 2024 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Older Man Shames Young Onlookers to Intervene Against Wife-beater, in Manisa

türkçe links to original Turkish article and video

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 August 2024)

                   Unlikely hero saves Sudenaz's life.

In Manisa province's Akhisar district, Yılmaz Akman (37) savagely 
beat pregnant Sudenaz A. (19) on the street in broad daylight as others 
looked on disinterestedly (!).   The couple had lived together but 
recently broke up.  After beating Sudenaz hanım with his fists and
kicking her with his legs, Akman took a metal rod and continued the

As Sudenaz screamed for help, the couple's 3-year-old son was looking
on and began to cry.  Bystanders watching the attack didn't move a 
muscle to intervene and this tragic disinterest was recorded on someone's
phone.  Finally, an older man intervened against Akman and this sparked
the onlooking drones into action, saving Sudenaz hanım and beating 
Akman to a pulp.  Police came and took Akman to jail.  Sudenaz hanım
was taken to a hospital for treatment and is said to be in good condition. 

In his statement to police, Akman did not deny his crime but "explained":
"Sudenaz is my common-law wife but we've been living apart for a long
while.  That day (17 August) together with my brother I was going to
take her to our village.  But she got out of the car and screamed 
'save me!", which prompted me to begin beating her (!).  I grabbed a
metal rod from someone and continued to beat her.  I've known that
she is pregnant for a few days."

For her part, Sudenaz hanım stated that: "I was at the market with my
child.  Yılmaz called me and said he wanted to take me to the village.
At first I refused but then he persuaded me so I got into his brother's
car.  Then I changed my mind and got out of the car.  He came after me
and started insulting me.  When I yelled 'save me!', he started to beat

Wife-beater AND child-beater.

Once the video spread on social media there was a great outcry from
the public and the Manisa Governor's office announced that Sudenaz
hanım would be protected.

Sudenaz hanım was quoted in a report in Gerçek Gündem as saying: 
"I was raised by my aunts and my father's mother.  Since I was raised
motherless, I relied on him but he has beaten me since I was 14. 
 On the day of the incident, many people just watched without doing 
anything to help me.  Some of them were even laughing.  I'm pregnant 
and I began to bleed.  My head is swelled and I've got three stitches. 
 Only with my father's mother's help am I able to survive these days.
I'm afraid that if he gets out of jail he'll come after me again."

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