14 Ağustos 2024 Çarşamba

"Sink & Release": Boat Capsizes in Black Sea - Three People Survive, Three Others Still Missing

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 14 August 2024)

          Captain seems to have gone down with his ship.

Emrah Yasin Büyükoral (38) was one of three people, out of six, on the
fiber boat "Maviş" that sank in the open waters two miles off Cide in
Kastamonu province on 11 August, to survive the ordeal.   Büyükoral, 
who is a national-level ju-jitsu expert athlete, said that the group had 
intended to take the stage that evening in Cide and he related how the 
incident unfolded: 

"The captain, Öztürk Kürelioğlu, invited us to go out on the boat with
him that evening.  I don't really like being out at sea but I know how to
swim.  So we sat on the boat and did some fishing. But as we left 
Gideros Bay the boat began to take on water.  We bailed the water as best
we could but as we did the boat went further out to sea."

"The captain insisted that 'I won't take you back until you've had some
fish to eat!' (!)  But we were two and a half miles out to sea and the back
of the boat was taking on more water.  Then the front part began to take
on water.  All of a sudden the boat capsized and we all found ourselves
under the boat.  I saw that Ayşe hanım was drowning but I was able to
grab her.  But then I started to swallow water.  We didn't panic, though,
telling each other to lie on our backs on the water surface.  I started to
swim to shore, followed by Ahmet Kaan Karayılan and Ayşenur Gürcan."

"We were in the water for about two and a half hours.  The three of us 
encouraged each other to hang on as we swam, but our hopes were 
fading.  Miraculously, a fishing boat's motor died and we screamed to it 
for help.  Thank God, our cries were heard and the fishermen saved us.  
Then we searched for the other three for a couple of hours.  As I was 
stuck in the water I thought of my daughter. I'm a good swimmer but I'll 
never stick my foot in the water again."

Captain Kürelioğlu, Hüya Mütevelli and Esmanur Gürcan were not
seen again, although sea and air searches continued all day yesterday. 

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