25 Mayıs 2021 Salı

Sex Messiah Transferred & Isolated From Disciples in Batman Prison

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 25 May 2021)

               Has a weakness for bulbous accesories.

Adnan Oktar, convicted of "establishing and directing an organization
to commit crimes" and "sexual assault", was sentenced to serve 9,803
years and six months (!).  He has been serving the jail term at the Edirne
prison along with his male disciples, who were convicted, as well.

                                       Scary guy.

However (!), Oktar began to hold meetings with his fellow inmate 
disciples and was warned by prison authorities to desist.  He ignored
this warning so he was reported to the Justice Ministry, which decided
to send Oktar in isolation to the T-type prison in Batman's Beşiri district 
that was opened last year.   

Their "Last Supper" together in the Edirne prison dining 
hall. Alas, the Messiah will  dine alone henceforth in his 
Batman batcave cell.

Oktar objected to the transfer but to no avail. So his disciples also applied
to be transferred to Batman with him but these appeals were rejected. Last
Sunday, under tight security, Oktar was taken overland to Batman from 
Edirne.  He was given a health exam at Batman Training and Research
Hospital and put in the Beşiri T-type prison yesterday. 

                       The Lonely Path of the Messiah.

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