22 Temmuz 2021 Perşembe

"Sword" Fells Prey but Escape to Greece Falls Short

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 22 July 2021)

      The terrible swift sword, just not quite swift enough.

On 10 July, Mahir Kılınç (23 and whose surname means "sword") and 
friends K.K., R.Ö., S.Ç., and O.Ç. were riding around in Bağcılar, 
Istanbul, when they encountered Okan Alkan (27), in the Göztepe 
neighborhood.  Alkan owed money, so when he saw Kılınç's car he 
fled but Kılınç caught up to him and fired 5 shots into Alkan, killing him.  


Kılınç and his friends took off but the next day one of them, K.K., went
to the police to relate the events related to Alkan's murder.  The police
then took R.Ö., S.Ç. and O.Ç. into custody but could not find Kılınç.
His friends said Kılınç was the murderer and wouldn't let anyone of them
out of the car.  Video evidence supported their claims so they were 

Police then got a tip that Kılınç was trying to flee to Greece by illegal
means and informed the Gendarmerie on the border.  On the night of
15 July, Kılınç was captured while trying to cross into Greece from
Edirne's Uzunköprü district.  He was brought back to Istanbul, where
it was determined that he has a record of 17 previous crimes. Kılınç 
confessed to killing Alkan in a debt dispute and was jailed.

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