23 Mayıs 2024 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Cop's "Suicide" Beginning to Look Like a Murder Cover-up, in Karaman

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 May 2024)

     Cause and effect: Mom died awaiting son's body.

On 27 January midwife Elif Çelik and her fiancé policeman Mehmet 
Şimşek returned to his duty station in Karaman province's Ayrancı 
district after spending time in Adana.   However, in Karaman Şimşek
saw that the diamond ring he had bought for Elif hanım, worth 27,000 TL 
(about $840), along with a blank sheet of paper with his signature on it, 
had been stolen from the drawer in his office. 

Şimşek reviewed camera footage and noticed that policeman A.D. 
had entered his office on 28 January without permission.  Şimşek
filed charges about the theft on 31 January, but he was found dead in
his car on 1 February from a gunshot wound to the head.  His death
was ruled a suicide (!).  As for A.D., he was arrested on 10 February 
but released from jail on 4 April. 

The public prosecutor assessed that Şimşek was distraught over his
separation from a previous fiancé, the theft and his change of duty
station.  Along with the discovery of psychologic medicines in Şimşek's
office, the prosecutor came to the conclusion that Şimşek had 
committed suicide and voided the charges against A.D.

However (!), Şimşek's family's lawyer Nazan Akça Subaşı asserted 
that Şimşek's death was the result of "a professionally arranged murder"
and she objected to the fact that the two different strands of hair and 
five fingerprints found at the scene had not been investigated.  The
family has asked another court to reactivate the charges against A.D.

Şimşek's older sister Zeynep İnceer declared that "we will never 
accept this as a suicide.  The soil sample, hair strands and fingerprints
found in the car weren't investigated.  In addition, we have two 
eyewitnesses who were not questioned, nor was anyone else in the 
village asked to testify.  They were going to be married on his birthday,
16 May.  The 4-year-old medicines placed in his office were expired
and he never acquired them because they require a prescription.  On
the day of  the incident my mother suffered a brain bleed and died 
while awaiting her son's body.  We will not stop pursuing this matter."

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