16 Mayıs 2024 Perşembe

"Beat & Release": Infamous Turkish Hacker Wanted by FBI, Caught by Police in Istanbul

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Milliyet Newspaper, 16 May 2024)

                 "ChaO" explained: "Beats working."

This man was at the top of fraud incidents at the international level.  He
invented a device in Turkey and sold it in places like England, France
and America, reaping millions of dollars.  The FBI named this man, 
Çağatay Evyapan, who used the codename "ChaO", as one of the four 
most dangerous hackers in the world.  He's been caught by the 
Istanbul police.  How did this happen?

Evyapan's device enabled criminals to steal money from ATMs - it is
implanted at the card-entrance port on an ATM and copies all the card's
information. Another element of the device on the keypad garners the
card's cipher when the owner punches it in.  Rather than sending the 
stolen money directly to the criminal's account, which would easily
identify him, the money is routed through internet foreign currency

Evyapan first surfaced in 1993 for the first credit card theft in Turkey.  
Victims complained that their bank accounts were emptied, leading 
police to Evyapan, who was arrested in 1998 but he successfully 
escaped from prison in 2000 (!).  He was sought by the FBI and Interpol 
up until 2008.  Finally, the Istanbul police nabbed Evyapan and found 
information relating to nearly 10,000 banking cards in his home. 

So how was it that the Istanbul police found Evyapan when the FBI 
couldn't?  Evyapan had a website called "DarkMarket" and to enter this
website one needed the references of three people.  The FBI tried for four
years to penetrate the website and ultimately an FBI got in.  One thing
led to another and one of the gang's members "Jilsi" was caught in 
England.  The trail then led to another gang member, "Kier", and this
arrest resulted in a photograph of Evyapan/"ChaO" being obtained.    

Istanbul police identified "ChaO" as Evyapan, trailed him and his
friends and arrested him.  Evyapan was astonished that the police had
been able to link "ChaO" to himself and he tried mightily to figure out 
the mistake he'd made that got him caught.  In any case, the FBI chief
came to Turkey and thanked the Istanbul police for capturing the
infamous hacker "ChaO", who is now in prison. 

"ChaO" in happier days...


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