31 Mayıs 2024 Cuma

"Beat & Release": Izmir Judge, Armed to the Teeth, Jailed American Pastor in 2018

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 31 May 2024)

"Sometimes unpleasant people come to my office. I must be
ready for them!", says Tabur, second from right.

Turkey's Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç has announced that an 
investigation has been launched about Izmir Judge Oktay Tabur, 
who posed with three other senior judicial officials in front of a 
display of  20 weapons - 13 revolvers and 7 long-barreled guns -
in his office at the Izmir courthouse. (!)

As a result, an inspector from the Judges and Prosecutors Council
(HSK) has been assigned to look into the matter.  Minister Tunç
stated that "our judges and prosecutors must avoid any behavior
at odds with judicial etiquette."

When asked about the source of his luxury car, Judge Tabur 
"explained" that "I play the stock market" (!).   He noted that 
all the weapons are licensed.  Tabur gained notoriety during 
the 2018 diplomatic crisis between Turkey and the USA over Pastor
Andrew Brunson, who was ultimately freed thanks to pressure
from then-President Donald Trump (now a convicted felon) (!).

Now, Brunson is asking God to keep Trump out of jail.

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