29 Mayıs 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Irate Parent Storms First-Grade Class with 5 Friends (!) to Beat Up Son's Rival, in Darıca

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 29 May 2024)

      Does it take five adults to beat up a first-grader??!!

In Darıca district of Kocaeli province yesterday, the son of M.A. had a
fight with another student in Ressam Osman Hamdi Bey elementary 
school.  When M.A. heard about this he stormed into his son's first-grade
classroom and demanded that teacher Burak Laçin point out the child
his son had fought with so M.A. could beat the child.  In response, Laçin
said "you'll do no such thing! The kids may fight among themselves but
we make peace between them."

M.A. had come to the school with five friends (!) to beat up his son's 
rival.  When Laçin refused to identify the other child, M.A. directed his 
ire at Laçin and was only deterred somewhat when Laçin's fellow 
teachers intervened.   The tumult moved from the school's corridor into
the adjacent garden.

Police arrived and tracked down M.A., who had fled.  The provincial 
and district education authorities announced that an inspector had been
assigned to investigate the incident and National Education Minister
Yusuf Tekin condemned the attack, as well. 

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