25 Mayıs 2024 Cumartesi

"Heart-beat & Release": Real Heart Replaces Artificial One Three Years Later, in Antalya

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Sabah Newspaper, 25 May 2024)

                           Ya gotta have (a real) heart!

Mehmet İncedayı (21) of Kayseri contracted pneumonia when he was
18 years old and this led to a diagnosis of heart problems.  İncedayı
was brought to Akdeniz University Hospital in Antalya and in March
2021 an artificial heart was attached to him.

On 2 May at 0230 hours in the morning Akdeniz University's Prof.
Dr. Tuncer Karpuzoğlu transplanted the heart of a brain-dead youth
aged 20 into İncedayı.  After years of living with an artificial heart,
İncedayı felt a real heartbeat once again. 

He explained that "the artificial heart is comfortable but the energy 
from the pouch substitutes for a real heart in giving the body the 
power to exist. So you're always aware of this electrical transmission
because that's what keeps you alive.  But now, three years later, the
beat of a real heart is very pleasing to me.  I want to go swimming!"

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