26 Mayıs 2024 Pazar

"Beat & Release": Plumber Slashes Cousin's Wife to Death for Her Gold Bracelets, in Samsun

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 26 May 2024)

             Used his profession's tool for the evil deed.

When Fatih Yıldırım (41) couldn't reach his wife Kader Yıldırım (39) 
by phone the evening before last, he went to their home on the 13th
floor of their apartment building in Samsun's Atakum district.  With a 
screwdriver borrowed from a neighbor Fatih bey was able to enter the 
flat through the fire escape door, only to find his wife and the mother 
of their two children in a pool of blood on the floor. 

Medics arrived at the scene and determined that Kader hanım had 
died from 39 cuts (!) inflicted on her body.  Fatih bey noticed that
the gold bracelets on his late wife's arms were missing and this led
police to his cousin, plumber Mehme Işık (32), who lives on the 
3rd floor of the same building.  

Işık was arrested by police when he came to the Yıldırım's flat to
pay his condolences  (!).  Kader hanım's bracelets were recovered.
Işık confessed to the murder and "explained" to police that he had
a 300,000 TL (about $9,300) debt and killed Kader hanım to get
her bracelets so he could pay off this debt.  He told police he used
his pipe cutter to inflict the cuts on Kader hanım and then threw 
the murder weapon into nearby Kürtün Creek.  The pipe cutter was
not recovered but Işık was jailed nevertheless. 

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