türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Sözcü Newspaper, 25 January 2020)

Gillette's sales are way down these days.
The negative reactions to the National Education Ministry's (MEB)
book "Psycho-Social Preventative Support Program", in which women
with their heads covered are depicted as 'good' and those without 'bad',
continue with the depiction in the same book of mustachioed men as
'caring and good', whereas clean-shaven men are depicted in a section
addressing child sexual assault as 'sexual predators'.
In response, MEB characterized the criticisms as a 'perception
operation' against it, but nevertheless launched an investigation
Bad-hair day for the uncovered ladies.
CHP (opposition party) member Yıldırım Kaya posed a
question about the book to MEB Minister Ziya Selçuk in Parliament,
saying "the exploitation of children in the dormitories of religious
foundations and associations has been documented by severe
sentences handed down in court. And yet, MEB is promulgating
these ugly stereotypes with this book, characterizing people as 'good'
or 'deviants', based on their clothes and grooming preferences. Was
publication of this dangerous book the decision of MEB or the 'Secret
Palace Education Ministry' ('palace' is a reference to President Erdoğan).
Evil, clean-shaven Do-right seen oppressing the valiant,
mustachioed Whiplash. Note: the deviant's horse is clean-
shaven, too!
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