(Hürriyet Newspaper, 21 February 2020)
Dr. Ethem Görgün and Dr. Hakan Alp of Istanbul Cerrahpaşa
University's Engineering Faculty began an earthquake research project
in Thrace and obtained some seismology measuring devices from
TÜBİTAK (Turkey's science organization), in this regard. In April
2019, they placed the devices in an area near Şarköy, where the
Ganos fault passes.
The researchers went to check on the devices and gather data every
three months, their latest trip to the region being 30 January. Finding
some of the devices missing, though, Görgün and Alp filed a complaint
with the local Gendarmerie. Suspects were identified and a raid was
conducted on the home of Selim K., where an earthquake measuring
device and a battery case were found. However, the accompanying
solar panels, the battery itself, a regulator and other parts were not there.
In his statement to police the other suspect arrested, Serdar Y.,
explained that "I was on my way to graze my animals. Two of my goats
got nervous so I called my boss (Selim K.) and as I was heading to him,
I noticed the battery and its case on the side of the road. I showed them
to Selim. I threw the case into the woods and kept the battery to find
out whether it was working or not. I didn't know they had anything to
do with an earthquake device."

As for Selim K., he told the Gendarmerie that his shepherd Serdar Y.
had shown him the items so "I put the battery in my tractor and brought
it home, thinking I might be able to use it. I learned about the earthquake
connection from some villagers talking in the coffee house." The two
suspects were charged with "stealing public goods" and face 5-year jail
terms (!).
Geophysic engineer Dr. Hakan Alp retrieved the equipment from the
Gendarmerie yesterday. He lamented to Hürriyet: "I have no idea why
they took these devices. Two months of data is lost. These are very
special devices obtained from abroad. The devices are no longer in
working order but, thankfully, we were able to recover most of the
türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 21 February 2020)
Mass slaughter victims.
On 1 February, three people destroyed 30 wooden statues at the
entrance to Çamlidere in Ankara province. Police reviewed MOBESE
(street surveillance) images and identified the three as E.K., his wife
S.K. and their son G.K. of Eskişehir.
In his statement to police E.K. explained that "this sacred soil is that of
Shaikh Ali Semerkandi! Why are there idols here! Islam has no
connection with idols!" The three were released but face charges of
"damaging public goods".
Someone is always watching...
Çamlidere Mayor Hazım Caner Can lamented that "each of the statues
cost betwee 500-600 TL and we burned the broken wood in the
municipal building's furnace. But we will have new ones made and
put them at the entrance to our district. The statues are made of the
wood from Çamlıdere's trees, which are famous. There is no
connection between them and Islam."
Çamlıdere (red dot).
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