türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 13 May 2020)
another NYC story click here for a TNT report about a
Turkish couple ambushed by COVID-19 in New York.
In his case, it did go away 'miraculously'...after a while.
Turkish businessman Dora Ertek (53), who works as an industrial
designer and realtor in New York, sensed early on that the COVID-19
outbreak would have a serious effect on the dense city. So he fled to
Orlando, only to catch the virus there a week later. Since Ertek has a
stent in his heart, hypertension and too many excess pounds so
doctors were not optimistic he could beat the disease.
By some miracle, though, Ertek survived. He explained that "I lived
through the 'Black Friday' stock market crash in 1989, the 11
September 2001 attack on the Twin Towers, the 2008 economic crisis,
and the 2012 'Sandy' hurricane disaster. But I knew that New York
would suffer greatly from the contagion so I left and went to a friend
in Orlando on 18 March.
A week later, I was coughing badly and when I couldn't sleep I took
an antibiotic but it had no effect. I didn't have any of the tell-tale
COVID-19 symptoms like fever, loss of taste and smell, sore throat
or dry cough, so at first, I wasn't too worried. Nevertheless, I went to
get a test but they were only giving the tests to people over 65 at that
time. When I had trouble breathing, however, I went to the hospital
on 31 March. I don't remember anything that happened between
then and 10 April, when I opened my eyes again.
Uneasy Rider
I lay in the hospital in Orlando for 10 day in a coma, hooked up to a
ventilator. When I first woke up the nurse asked me if I knew where
I was but I had halucinations and halting speech so they induced a
coma again. I was in quarantine in the hospital for 25 days and a
total of 35 days. I tested 'negative' twice for coronavirus and started
10 days of physical therapy. But I was wearing a mask and after
coughing a couple of times they put me back into quarantine.
After another 'negative' result, I went back to physical therapy.
When I read the words 'this is a miracle' in the doctors' final report
I was very moved. Only 10% of COVID-19 victims become
critically ill, like I was, and only 2% of them survive. Even though
I was very careful, kept 2-meters distance from others and wore
a mask and gloves I must have touched a wrong spot and got the
virus. This war won't end tomorrow. Be very careful and maintain
social distancing even with someone you know."
Dora Bey has already trademarked the
franchise's next sequel.
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