türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 29 May 2020)
drink the water! click here to see that, evidently, they don't.

Governor-Mayor Mehmet Emin 'Don't Know' Bilmez longs
for a good night's sleep.
There have been a lot of startling headlines coming out of Van in
regard to the COVID-19 outbreak. Here are just a few:
"They went for a death consolation visit and hid those who came from
outside the city."
"Village chiefs hid corona-carriers."
"They called 112 (911) asking for permission to go to the hospital but
actually went to visit their relatives for the holiday."
"They escaped from hospital corona treatment."
So far there have been 480 cases of COVID-19 in Van, more than
half of which occurred after death consolation visits. Up to now,
66,000 people (!) have been quarantined and currently there are
18,000 in quarantine.
In order to find out what is going on in Van, we called the governor,
Mehmet Emin Bilmez (whose surname means 'don't know'!), who
is also the mayor of Van city. Governor-Mayor Bilmez explained
that "the coronavirus doesn't spread on the streets of Van, but rather
in the homes where 'nuclear families' regularly amount to 15-20
children and with the rest of the relatives that number increases 3-4
times. If one of them is 'positive' the entire family gets infected."
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