türkçe links to original Turkish article
(Hürriyet Newspaper, 23 June 2020)
Died of unnatural causes.
Actor Şükrü Yıldız drove his 1987 Chevrolet Chevette for 14 years,
until it broke down in 2018. While waiting for the needed parts to
come from abroad, Yıldız parked the car on the street in Karaköy,
Istanbul, but each day another part of the car went missing.
Now, the skeletal remains of the vehicle have become a prized shot
for local photographers. Yıldız explained that "I parked my car on
a dead-end street two streets away from where I live. I got busy
with other things so I didn't check on it. As the days went by, a
door went missing and then a seat would be stolen. A year later
it was just a skeleton. Now amateur photographers aim at it and
it's become a symbol of Karaköy."
Karaköy is directly left across from the black tower (Kız
Kulesi), at the north end of Galata Bridge.
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