(Sözcü Newspaper, 6 July 2020)
"And this is just the outer office..."
Ankara's political circles are talking about the claims of İmad
Kachkoul, an Egyptian businessman who has companies in Egypt,
Iraq, Syria, Tanzania and Mersin, that he was hoodwinked by former
AKP (ruling party) Adıyaman parliamentarian Salih Fırat, Sayit
Subaşı, who is Fırat's brother-in-law, Subaşı's son Efe and a
company named "Y Bulut Danışmanlık".
Kachkoul filed a criminal complaint against the three individuals
and the firm on 30 June. He explained to Sözcü that he has been
living in a hotel in Ankara since 12 March because of the COVID
-19 outbreak and has longed to return to Egypt.
Salih Fırat had Kachkoul picked up from the hotel and brought to
the Turkish Parliament building in a car with plate number 06 SS 779.
Despite the fact that Fırat, an ex-parliamentarian, does not have an
office at Parliament, Efe Subaşı told Kachkoul that "Salih bey's
office is full right now so we'll welcome you in Metin Gündoğdu's
A keepsake photo was taken and Kachkoul was given a tour of the
"15 July Memorial" (for the botched FETÖ coup attempts in 2016)
but as they headed for Fırat's "office", Efe Subaşı detoured Kachkoul
because "Salih Bey has been urgently summoned to the President's
campus." (!)

Just trust the brothers-in-law.
Next, Kachkoul was brought to the office of AK Par Architecture
in Ankara's Ümitköy neighborhood, where Efe Subaşı introduced
Kachhoul to his father Sayit Subaşı, who claimed he was the chief
of staff to Yiğit Bulut, a chief advisor in the presidency. The AK
Par office was said to belong to Salih Fırat and Yiğit Bulut.
According to Kachkoul, on 25 March the suspects asked Kachkoul
for $100,000 (!) to hire a private plane to take him to Egypt. The
next day, Kachkoul sent $70,000 to the firm "Y Bulut Danışmanlık"
and he provided the public prosecutor with the Ziraat Bank
transaction slip that reads: "Deposit for private plane - İmad
Sayit Subaşı, about whom 55 separate "falsification and fraud"
suits are currently pending, and for whom 16 separate search
warrants have been issued, has not been heard from since. (!)
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