5 Haziran 2024 Çarşamba

"Beat & Release": Chance Traffic Stop by Gendarmerie Saves Woman From Jealous Hubby's Stab Attack, in Hatay

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 5 June 2024)

              And on their wedding anniversary no less!

In Kırıkhan district of Hatay province, Sinem Dönmez (30) and her 
husband, prison guard Enver Dönmez (39), dropped off  their older 
daughter at school on 30 May.  Sinem hanım then sat in the driver's seat
and fastened her seat belt.  Suddenly, Enver bey, in the back seat with
their 4-year-old son, attacked his wife with a knife. (!)

Since her seat belt was fastened Sinem hanım could not budge but she
took her foot off the brake so the car began to move. Coincidentally,
and fortunately, Gendarmerie traffic police noticed the car's movement,
intervened as Enver bey continued to stab his wife, and shot him in the
foot to disable him. (!) 

Having sustained 27 stab wounds at the hands of her husband, Sinem
hanım was rushed to İskenderun State Hospital and after three operations
she survived.  Enver bey was treated for the gunshot wound in his foot 
and taken into custody.  He claimed that he attacked his wife out of jealousy.

Sinem hanım stated that "sometimes while walking on the street he would
say to me 'why did he look at you?!  Do you know him?!'.  But that day
there was no such problem and, in fact, it was our wedding anniversary (!). 
We left the house holding hands but after dropping off our daughter at
school when I fastened my seat belt he approached the car with his hand
behind his back and sat in the rear seat.  Then he began to attack me." 

                Routine traffic check was anything but.

" I took my foot off the break and the car began to move forward.  The
Gendarmerie soldiers were doing a routine traffic check, noticed the car's
movement and tried to stop it.  When they couldn't prevent my husband
from stabbing me they shot him in his foot, saving me.  If the Gendarmerie
hadn't been there he would have killed me for sure.  I have stab wounds all
over and my two arms are in casts.  I want a divorce and the most severe
sentence for him.  If he goes free he'll come after me and my children 
tomorrow or the next day."

Sinem hanım's mother Emine Cengiz lamented that "he tried to kill my
daughter.  Someone has to tell this murderer to stop!  She's had 3 operations
in two days. Her fingers aren't moving.  I appeal to our country's leaders -
enough is enough!  Don't let the Sinems, Ayşes and Fatmas die like this!
Give these murderous husbands the most severe sentences to get them to

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