30 Haziran 2024 Pazar

"Fleece & Release": Buy a Time-Share and Use It Once Every 5,000 Years...Maybe, in Yalova

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 30 June 2024)

                       Here's to a (very, very) long life!

Police in Yalova got a tip that a hotel in Termal district was inviting
people for free vacations but when the vacationers arrived they were
subjected to hard-sell psychological pressure to buy time-shares. 
Simultaneous police raids in Yalova, Istanbul, Aydın, Adana and 
Kütahya resulted in 30 suspects being arrested. 

Among those taken into custody were ringleader Orhan Karadereli, 
his wife Elvan Karadereli, CEO Tevfik Murat Talas and Yusuf Atala,
a well-known actor who was the gang's commercial face in TV ads.

The suspects hoodwinked at least 36,000 (!) people, including judges,
prosecutors and high-level bureaucrats, out of about 36 million TL
(a bit more than $1 million).  It turned out, though, that those who 
agreed to the time-share agreement would get to use the property
once every 5,000 years. (!) 

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