11 Haziran 2024 Salı

"Beat & Release": Hitman Kills Hit-gal Who Botched Her Hit - One Big Mess, in Adana

türkçe links to original Turkish article

(Hürriyet Newspaper, 11 June 2024)

                                Two parts of the mess.

In Adana on the night of 14 February, Yaşar Bulut (20) turned himself 
in to the police, saying that he'd killed his girlfriend İpek Akgül (19) for
cheating on him and buried her body in an orange grove.  Bulut was 
taken into custody but couldn't recall exactly where in the orange grove
he'd buried İpek hanım. Thanks to his rental car's GPS device, though,
police were able to determine the coordinates of the grave site, and with 
the help of sniffer dog "Asena" found the body. 

The Adana police forensic lab examined İpek hanım's body and determined
that on 11 February she had been beaten, her arm and spine broken, and
then she was shot multiple times with a revolver.  She was subsequently
buried properly in Seyhan district.

Investigating further, police discovered that three days before İpek hanım
was killed she had been together with E.A. (22) whom she met on social
media and who came from Izmir to see her.  However, while taking a 
shower İpek hanım shot E.A. three times and fled the house (!).  After 
being released from a hospital, E.A. "explained" that "we met on the 
internet and then met in my house.  For no reason, she shot me while I
was in the shower."  

Based on data from the KGYS (city security system) and PTS (license 
plate ID system), police discovered that on the night of the incident 
İpek hanım was in a car not with Bulut but, rather, with her former
boyfriend Ahmet Albayrak (27) and his friend Mehmet Görgün (26).  
Bulut was interrogated again and admitted that "I really didn't even
know the girl.  Ahmet and Mehmet said they wanted me to kill her
and said they'd take care of me while I'm in prison." (!) 

Adana police overheard discussing the case...

Police learned that Albayrak and Görgün were at odds with E.A.and
wanted İpek hanım to kill him.  But when İpek hanım wasn't able to
finish off E.A., Albayrak and Görgün decided that to keep her from 
talking to the police they would have Bulut kill her. 

Albayrak and Görgün were tracked down in two separate apartments
in Çukurova district.  Also, Yaşar Bulut's older brother Aziz Bulut (23)
was arrested in Seyhan district on the charge of helping Albayrak and
Güngün hide.  In their interrogations, the two blamed each other and
denied having E.A. and İpek hanım shot.  The Bulut brothers, along
with Albayrak and Görgün, were jailed. 

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